Part 16

790 16 1

-Your Pov-

You sat on the couch, and then sighed again, and then Jessica looked down at you in annoyance. She was reading a book about parenting techniques to use, and you were trying to read something on your phone. Your head was rested on her lap, and then every so often, you would place a hand to her stomach to see if you could feel the babies kick. Ever since the first time they had kicked, Jessica had tried everything she had heard would make them kick again, like drinking more orange juice. As she entered the later stages of her pregnancy, she began to read to the twins, and play classical music, things she had heard were invaluable to the development of a child. Her cravings had gotten weirder and weirder, and so had her mood swings. The fridge held no beers in it, as the smell drove her crazy, and she had been becoming paradoxically both more excited and more nervous about the babies.

Right now, she was reading an article about a couple that wasn't ready for children, and the process of trying to raise them had ultimately been what had driven them apart. Jessica had been reading all kinds of articles like this, and each and every one of them made her more worried about being a mother. Every so often, she would ask you to read one, and assure her it wouldn't happen to you. And like clockwork, she handed you her phone, and titled your chin to make you look her in the eye as she would then say to you, " What if that's us?"

You had learned early into the pregnancy to just assure her it wouldn't and do the best you could to ease her doubts. It made her feel more confident, both in her choice to marry you and her choice to have kids. And so, you read through the article, and then handed her phone back to her, and cupped her face and looked into her doubt filled eyes, as she repeated her question, her voice breaking.

" It won't be. And here's how I know. For one, that dude was an idiot who didn't put on a condom, and for another, his girlfriend told him if they had sex in a pool that the chlorine would kill the sperm. For another thing, they were in high school and didn't have these things called life skills. You and I granted forgot a condom, but we have this thing called financial stability and jobs, so it'll be okay," you told her, and then you saw her let out a sigh of reassurance and she smiled down at you, and went to read something else on her phone.

" Hey, (y/n)," she asked after a few moments of silence, and then you looked up to smile at her, and then she showed you something on her phone. " I was reading this article of a couple that gives their regrets about being married, and I was curious. I personally don't, but do you have any regrets about marrying me or having kids with me?"

You pretended to think about it for a few moments, and then shook your head. " Nah. I have plenty of regrets, but none of them have anything to do with you. This is something I wanted since the two of us were little, and we pretended our stuffed animals were our children. We can support them, and Samantha and Mason are going to grow up into a loving family, both with us and the guys at the office." She nodded at your answer, and then went back to her reading, as you began to play a game on your phone.

As the two of you sat there with your head on her lap, you eventually felt a wet patch, and then she looked down at you, her eyes widening. " Either I peed myself, or my water broke," she said, and then you nodded, your mind working a little bit slowly right now. " My water broke," she confirms after a few moments, and then you shoot up and then call the hospital, and turn back to Jessica.

" Let's get going," you tell her, and then the two of you go to your car, and then begin driving to the hospital, while doing your best to stay calm. Being a father was something you wanted, and you knew the babies were due soon, but you didn't exactly know how soon. As your hands began to shake, you kept picturing memories you wanted to make with them in your mind, like making dad jokes, helping them with their homework and giving them relationship advice when they needed it.

It seemed like forever, since as Burnie pointed out, Texas was always under construction it seemed. Nothing ever got fixed around here, and ever since you had been here, this stupid road needed to be fixed. Eventually, you made it to the hospital, and then took Jessica in, and then went to the room the nurses directed. They hooked her up to a bunch of machines, and then she began to cry out in pain, and your eyes widened and you reached to hold her hand. Right away, she began squeezing on it, to the point you could feel the bones buckling under the force of her ring and grip.

The nurses gave the both of you instructions, and you nodded like you heard any of it, and then went back to playing with Jessica's hair, holding her hand and whispering compliments to her to help get her through it. You had no idea how much time passed, but eventually, Jessica let out a sigh of relief. " Congratulations Miss (l/n)," says the nurse. " You've given birth to two healthy twins."

Looking at them, you can't help but manage a smile. Samantha has Jessica's eyes, but your hair color, and then Mason has Jessica's hair, and your smile. The nurse hands them to you, and the both of you hold one of the twins, and smile lovingly at them. " Welcome to the world Samantha and Mason (l/n)," you tell them. " Your mother and I are gonna take such good care of you."

( let me know what you thought)

Jessica Nigri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now