Part 17

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-Jessica Pov-

I sat in the hospital holding Mason, and then I looked into his eyes, and smiled. He cutely reached for my finger, and I let him hold onto it. He looked at me, and I smiled down at him. It felt so surreal to hold him. Of course, being a mother was something I had wanted for ages, and I had known it was going to happen. At times, it felt like it was all happening so fast, and other times it felt really slow. Still, nothing could have prepared me for this feeling right here, the feeling that I brought a life into the world, and that I was going to be a mother. I had thought I was ready for this, but I truly wasn't. This was overwhelming, but in the best possible way. A smile never left my face, and then I looked over to see (y/n).

(y/n) sits in the chair next to the hospital bed, and then he holds Samantha, and smiles at her. She holds onto his nose, and then he smiles, and looks down at her with so much love in his eyes. I look at Samantha, and notice she got a lot of his features, an then that Mason had a lot of mine. Smiling, I lean in to kiss (y/n) on the forehead, and then I go back to looking at Mason. I can tell by the look on (y/n)'s face that he's feeling the same rush of being a father, and having helped create this life.

A nurse comes in, and then smiles at the four of us. " Miss (l/n)," she tells me, and then I giggle again, still not entirely used to that either. I love being his wife, and everytime someone uses his last name to talk to me, it makes me so giddy and happy inside. " Congratulations again on giving birth to two beautiful babies. Would you like to go home?"

Nodding, I manage to stand up, and then hold onto Mason still. He tilts his head and looks at me curiously, and then I smile at him. (y/n) stands up holding onto Samantha. As we walk to the car, Burnie stands next to our car, and then he smiles. " I got something for you," he says with a smile, and then he goes into his car. A few moments later, he comes out with two car-seats for the babies. We thank him for it, and then he smiles and tells us to be safe.

After we set up the seats, (y/n) sits in the drivers seat, and then begins to drive us home. We get caught in traffic, and then he and I exchange loving looks in the mirror, and then smile at each other, and then a giggle escapes my lips. He chuckles a little bit, and then we start to drive off, and then fall into a comfortable silence. Eventually, the silence gets to be too much, and then I smile again. " What are you thinking about," I ask him.

" You," he says, not even hesitating, and then I smile at his answer, and then look over to see the twins, and then a warm laugh goes through me when I see the two of them, and then realize that these are my children. I realize this over and over again, and then a warm feeling keeps going through my entire body. Looking at (y/n), I see him dealing with the same warm feeling as he keeps glancing back at them in the mirror. " This is incredible," he says, and then I nod in agreement, not knowing what else to say to him.

He pulls up in front of the house, and then opens the door for me. I stand up again, holding onto Mason, and then he grabs Samantha, and walks into the door with the two of us. We make our way to the bedroom, and then smile and walk over to the bed. Gently, we set Samantha and Mason down in the middle of the bed, and climb in on either side of them, and pull them close to us, and he pulls the blanket over the two of us, and then he kisses my forehead. " Goodnight Jessica," he says, and then he looks down at our twins. " And welcome to the world you two. I love you so much."

" Goodnight (y/n)," I tell him, also giving him a kiss to the forehead, and then I look down at our twins, smiling adorably as they sleep. " And welcome to our live's you two," I tell them, and then I yawn and start to doze off. Feeling the warmth all three of them radiate, I manage to sleep in no time, and I feel (y/n) pulling me closer.

I wake up before he does in the morning, and then I smile as I feel the warmth and security he radiates. The twins rest between the two of us, and I kiss them each on the forehead one by one. (y/n) smiles in his sleep, and then I hold them close to me, the most important people in the entire world to me. " I love the three of you so much," I tell them all, and then I hold them as close to me as I possibly can, not wanting them to leave, loving them so much.

" Love you too," (y/n) murmurs sleepily, and then I look at him lovingly. Another warm feeling goes through me, when I realize that he went from being my neighbor, to best friend, to my boyfriend, to my husband and then to the father of my children, of our children. I see him start to wake up slowly, and then he sits up a little bit. One by one, he gives a kiss on the cheek to all of us, and then I giggle a little bit. As he wakes up, I smile when he lies back down to cuddle with me and the twins. I smile, and then think to myself how happy I am to enter a new part of my life with him.

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