Part 19

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-Your Pov-

In the morning, you slowly wake up, and then rub your head. It had been some time since you had managed to get a full night of sleep, and you were beyond exhausted from it. Both you and Jessica had known how much work it was going to be to be parents, and it was work the two of you were happy to put in. And yet, there were times when a full night of sleep or a peaceful moment would have been nice. As you sat up, you smiled when you took a look across the room to see Jessica with Mason, reading a children's book to him. Looking down at your arms, you then smiled when you saw Samantha still sleeping peacefully.

" Morning sleepyheads," says Jessica, and then you look up at her, and chuckle. Ever since the babies have been born, she likes to point out how already it looks like Samantha took after you, while Mason took after her. Chuckling, you sat up and then held Samantha in your arms. " We have to go into work today. I couldn't find a babysitter, so do you wanna bring them into work? I figured they should meet their uncles and aunts, and the people in the office have been asking.

Nodding, you managed to get up and then started getting dressed so you could start your day, and then Jessica hugged you from behind, and then she turned to you. " Oh, I already took my shower for the morning when you and Samantha were still sleeping, and I also breastfed Mason. Do you wanna hand me Samantha so while you shower I can feed her?" You nod, and then hand her Samantha, and then go to take a shower. After a quick one, you then head downstairs, where Jessica has put the twins in their stroller.

Walking to her side, you then smile when she kisses your cheek. She holds one of your hands, and then you place your hand on half of the stroller, and she puts her hand on the other one. The two of you push the stroller together, and then you take the time to talk with her. " Oh, sometime this week I'm going to be working out with Lindsey so I can work on losing the baby weight," she says, and then you nod and make a note to yourself. " Just wanted to give you a head's up."

You nod when she says this, thankful to have the heads up, and then you think for a moment about how you're going to watch the kids when she's working out, and then the two of you walk into the office, and then smile when you look around. Your closest friends and the other voice actresses come into the room, and they all stand around you and the stroller, and then you smile as all of them admire the beautiful children that you and Jessica had brought into this world, the life the two of you had created.

Jessica also smiles at the sight, which makes you wrap an arm around her, and then you smile at the group of people holding and paying attention to your twins. Eventually, all of them end up going to work, while you and Jessica sit in your own office, and make sure the twins are held and taken care of as you go about working for the day, and then you smile and then kiss the twins on the forehead, and then you peck Jessica on the lips for a little bit before you try to work.

Eventually, she smiled and then turned off her laptop. " I know I can't be able to focus on my work when the three people I love the most are all in this room together with me," she says, and then you nod and then realize the same thing. With all four of you in the room together, it'd be impossible to focus too much on your work. Jessica holds Mason, who holds onto one of her fingers as Samantha holds onto your nose which makes you smile and laugh at the beautiful sight in front of you.

" Sometimes, I can't believe I'm a mother," says Jessica, and then you look over at her and she smiles. " I mean, it's wonderful that I am. I wouldn't trade it all for the world, but it really does seem like just yesterday the two of us would have sleepovers and trade Pokemon cards." You nod when she says this, and then a wave of memories hits you, taking you back to when the two of you had no idea how this was going to turn out.

" I remember when I moved to Texas on a whim. I had no savings, no house. No safety net. All I did was jump, close my eyes and hope for the best, and then you caught me. And then these two bundles of joy, and our life together as a couple began," you told her, and then she nodded and the two of you sat in the office with smiles on your face.

" Burnie isn't going to mind if the two of us go home," she says, and then you nod. " Do you wanna sneak out, and then go home to cuddle with the two of them between us?" You nodded and then stood up with her and put the twins into their stroller and began to walk home, hand in hand.

Eventually, the two of you reached your house and then went up to the bedroom. Gently, you sat the twins down on the bed, and laid down with them between the two of you. Holding all of each other close, Jessica suddenly had an idea, and then reached and then got a scrap book she had been putting together since the two of you had gotten together, and then the two of you smiled and then she held the pictures for the twins to see, and began to explain each picture to the twins, happy to remember your past, embrace your present and look to the future.

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