Chapter 21- The end

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-Your Pov-

A few years have passed, and you and Jessica have been able to make it work so well with each other, and with the twins. Even if the two of them are still young, you're so proud of the both of them, and you get the feeling the two of them are going to grow up well, and in the future, you're going to be even prouder of the two of them. With a smile on your face, you gently let go of Jessica, and then walk downstairs into the kitchen. Getting some pots and pans out, you smile and then you grab a video player and put in your wedding tape so you can watch and listen to it as you work, since it makes things so much more easier for you.

You begin to cook, and you smile at the tape, enjoying the fond memories you have which you associate with that day, and the relationship you have with Jessica and your family in general because of it. It was one of the best days of your life, so going back and watching it always makes you feel more comfortable. A little later when you've been cooking for a while, you hear a pair of footsteps, and you turn to see Jessica walking down the stairs with a smile on her face. " It's not like you to wake up so early," she observes.

She then walks behind you, and then drapes her arms around you, which makes you smile as you cook. " You have a point. Believe you me, it took some doing for me to be able to get up this early. But, I wanted to do something special. After all, today is the day," you point out with a smile, and then she nods and then pecks your cheek. You continue to cook for a little bit more, and then you look at the time. " It might be time to wake Samantha up."

" She is a lot like you. Takes forever to wake up," Jessica says teasingly, and then she nods and begins to walk to the room where Samantha sleeps. As she does this, the door to the room where Mason stays opens and then he runs down the stairs, which makes Jessica chuckle. She picks him up and hugs him, and then sets him down and gently wakes Samantha up, which involves a good deal of convincing.

Chuckling, you then serve the breakfast of bacon and pancakes you made to your children, and to your wife. You notice that the two of them seem a little worried, and so you ruffle their hair to try and assure them a little bit. " Trust me, the two of you are going to be fine today. The two of you are good kids, and your mother and I are so proud of you. You do great work all the time, so trust me this is going to be a nice day. The first day of school can be a little nervous, but the two of you can get through it."

" What if no one likes us? What if someone bullies us? Or what if we do something wrong, and then everyone makes fun of us for it," asked Samantha, having always been the nervous one of the two of them, and the one more worried to go to the first day of preschool than her brother. Mason holds onto her protectively, and then Jessica squats down in front of Samantha to look her in the eyes when she assures her.

" Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise. When I had my first day of school when I was your age, I was worried too. But, I was able to make good friends with your father, and the two of us kept in touch for years, and now the two of us are with each other. My point is, you never know what's going to happen in the future, so you have to keep your chin up. When the day ends, your father and I will pick you and your brother up, and then we can go and grab a special treat okay? You can tell us all about your day."

Samantha perks up a little at this, and then nods with a new confidence in her eyes. Mason smiles brightly when he sees his sister is happier than before, ad the two of them eat breakfast with a smile. When the two of them are finished, they go and brush their teeth, while Jessica turns to you. " It doesn't seem like all that long ago does it? When the two of us were that age? I thought it was going to last forever," she said, with this nostalgic look in her eye, which makes you nod in agreement.

Your two children run to you and then you take them to the car, and Jessica sits in the shotgun seat. As you drive, she turns and takes pictures of the two of them, before going and posting the pictures on Instagram. Eventually, you reach the school, and hug your children, before they run to make friends. With a smile, you wrap your arms around Jessica, and hold her close to you. " They grow up so fast," she says, trying to make a joke about it, but choked up, with genuine emotion, and you nod in agreement.

" I know. Just think. It seems like yesterday when the two of them were in diapers. And before we know it, the two of them will be having to go off to college, and then get engaged, and married," you say, and then you hear Jessica sniffle a little bit, and so you stop. " I'm teasing, but I really do feel what you're feeling. That this is the first step to letting our children leave the nest. But we gotta think Jess. We still have years with them to live. Years of memories to make. And I am going to make the most of it all."

Jessica smiles, and then she snuggles into you. " You always know just what to say (y/n). You know, I have to thank you. I don't think I ever did. For never giving up on me. When I moved, I kept thinking about all the chances I had to confess to you. But I never took any of them. I thought you were going to end up being just this boy that I used to know. That I used to love. And I thought I would find love, settle down. But always think that something, that you were missing. But you never gave up. That's why we're with each other."

" I have this dream sometimes. Its about this night. The two of us are kids again, and the two of us are playing in the field. But me as an adult can see the dream. I chase you, and then I tag you. I fall on top of you, and we look into each other's eyes. I try to tell myself to tell you I'm in love with you. But he ignores me," you explain. " But, it's just a dream. The two of us are with each other, and the dream doesn't matter."

Jessica smiles, and then holds you close to her. " Thanks for that," she says with a smile, and then you kiss her deeply and lovingly. As she kisses you, the lifetime of memories you have with her goes through your head, and you savor each and every one of them. Each moment with her and your family is a gift, and you promise to love and cherish her, and this family now and forever.

( let me know what you thought. Thanks for having read)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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