Part 13

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-Your Pov-

You sit with the rest of the guys in the Roosterteeth office, and share a chuckle with them as you sip from your beer. Today was a slow day at work, and the podcast was already online. The voice actors and actresses were worker, but the rest of you had nothing else to do, and so all of you had taken this time to have some beers, and get to know each other a little bit better. Right now, they were all asking questions about you and Jessica, which made you laugh. It was nice to be able to talk to them like this. It felt like you had known them your entire life.

" So, refresh my memory on this. You hadn't seen her for years, and then find out she's going to be living in Texas. You decide to sell your house in New York, gamble everything on being hired by Roosterteeth, and then end up in a relationship with her. She gets pregnant with twins, and now the two of you are engaged? And all of this happens in the span of less than a month," asks Burnie, an incredulous look on his face. You chuckle slightly when you see this. 

" Well, I mean you left out the years of us loving each other as children, and how when we buried those feelings for each other away, it only succeeded in making them stronger in the long run, and when we saw each other, they all bubbled to the surface. But yes, in essence Burnie, that is what happened," you tell him, and then he chuckles. 

" I don't know if that merits a congratulations, or a what the hell were you thinking? I mean, do you have any idea how quickly this all could have fallen apart for you," asks Miles as he chuckles. " I mean imagine if you had gotten here, and then she tells you she has no romantic interest in you."

" That would have sucked. But, believe me, I had heard this lecture from everyone important in my life, several times over. I know it was a little bit of a gamble, but I just had to take it. I couldn't imagine only being in Texas for a few days, and needing to say goodbye to Jessica again. When I heard she was going to be living in Texas, I just took a chance," you tell them, and then they all give their various answers. 

" I should have you explain all of this on a podcast or something," says Burnie as he chuckles to himself. " Really and truly, I don't get it. I mean, there's a part of me that does and wants to be really supportive. But the father in me wants to lecture you about decision making."

" It worked out," you point out, and then they all agree to your answer, before they quickly go back to razzing you for risking everything. " Man, I bet you Jessica doesn't have to deal with this."

-Jessica Pov-

I sit with the cast of RWBY in the recording room. Technically, we're supposed to be recording, but we finished about an hour early, and so are just doing our best to look busy if someone walks by. Today has been a slow day, and it feels like it's been lasting forever. Barb brought us some food, and we all just sit around talking, and telling stories about our significant others. 

" Okay, wow," says Lindsay. " I'm torn between saying how sweet I find that, and saying how stupid that potentially was." I chuckle at this. At their request, I just finished telling the story of how (y/n) and I ended up in our relationship together. 

" It's a little bit of both," chuckles Barbara. " I mean, it's sweet because he loved her and couldn't say goodbye again and all of that. And it's stupid because he had no backup plan. Still, he seems like a nice guy, and I'm glad he and Jessica have each other." 

" Have you picked out baby names," asks Kara. I nod, and then they all lean in as I tell them the names of our twins, Samantha and Mason. They all begin to ask how he and I are going to figure out what the last names are going to be, and so I decide to surprise all of them. 

" Actually, we're going to go with (l/n). He and I are engaged, and so yeah." They all start to try and talk over each other, asking details about how he proposed, and how the wedding is going to be planned, and when it's going to be. I chuckle softly, and then answer all the questions about it the best I can, still not knowing all that much about it myself. He and I hadn't really had the time to plan this out, the proposal having been last night. I had to check in the morning to make sure I hadn't been dreaming it, it seemed literally too good to be true. 

" You're all invited obviously," I tell them, and then they thank me. " We still need to figure out things like the Maid of Honor and Best Man. But, I promise you I'll keep you all updated on the wedding, and any details."

We all share this moment, and then I smile at them. Even though I haven't been here for all that long, I've formed a special bond with all of them, and I consider each and every one of them to be family. As I think this, I hear a knock at the door. We all look over to see who it is, and then i see (y/n), a smile on his face. " Hey beautiful," he says, and then the girls in the office 'awe.' 

He makes his way over to me, and then pulls me in for a deep kiss. When we pull away, he smiles. " Hey, can you come home with me? I wanna start introducing you as my fiance."

A warm feeling fills me when he says this, and it makes me realize. I'm his fiance. And it's the best feeling in the world

( let me know what you thought) 

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