Part 18

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-Jessica Pov-

I smile, and then wake up slowly. I wake up and then see (y/n) holding our twins in his arms, and then I smile more when I see his smile as he sleeps. The twins are snuggled to him, and then Mason slowly opens his eyes when he hears me yawn and stretch, and then he looks up to me. I smile when I notice he got my eyes, and then he reaches for me. Careful not to disturb Samantha, I take Mason from (y/n), and then hold him. Mason smiles innocently, and then I kiss him on the forehead, and he giggles and holds my nose.

" Hey little baby," I tell him, and then he makes adorable noises which makes me chuckle and then he smiles and giggles. As I hold him, I then look over to (y/n), still holding Samantha, and then it makes me smile to think. " Looks like you're gonna be mommy's boy, and she's gonna be daddy's little girl. But, he's gonna love you too, and I'm gonna love her so much. We're both gonna love and spoil you so much. Yes we are." Mason seems happy with my answer, and then giggles.

I hear a loud yawn, and then I look over to see (y/n) and Samantha starting to wake up slowly. This makes me chuckle when I see that the both of them are late risers. Samantha clings to his chest as he wakes up, and then he smiles and keeps holding her. " Morning," he says, and then kisses her on the forehead, and then he leans into kiss me, which makes me smile and then I kiss him, before letting him kiss Mason on the forehead. The four of us all smile and sit in bed, and then the twins start to cry.

" Let me feed them, and then we can figure out what we want to do today," I offer, and then he nods and hands me Samantha. I take the two of them, and then start to breastfeed them, which feels a little weird at first, but I get more used to the idea of it, and then to his credit, (y/n) looks away to give me a bit of privacy. When I finish feeding, I let him know and then button up my shirt all the way, and let him know I'm finished, and then he looks over to me, and Samantha tries to go back to him, and then I smile and let her.

" There's a lot the two of us need to pick up for the babies," he says, and then I nod. " We need more clothes for them, and then also it couldn't hurt to have some more baby food on hand. Maybe some stuff to babyproof the house with, and then car seats for babies, and then stuffed animals for them." I nod when he says this, and then write it down, and smile when I finish the list.

I run it by him one more time to make sure we have everything, and then he nods and then the two of us go to the stroller we have, which Arryn gave us. We set Samantha and Mason inside, and then the two of us push the stroller with one hand, and then hold each other's hand, and then we walk down to the store. " I was wondering if we should get a nanny," I offer to him, and then he looks over. " We are gonna have to go back to working, and it wouldn't hurt if we had someone to look after them. Or we could sign up for a daycare."

He nods, and then the two of us talk about it as we walk down to the store. " Well, I can ask Burnie to tell us what the daycare he went to, and then I know Geoff has been giving me numbers and resources I can go to, and everyone from the office has offered to take care of them when we're gone and busy." I nod and smile when he says this, happy to know how much support everyone is willing to give us, and it makes me feel happy to be part of this community.

The two of us walk down, and then enter into the store together. Once we go into the store, one of the employees walks with us, and then helps us find everything we need on the list, as well as gives us discounts for the newborns, and then smiles at us. From there, (y/n) and I then walk home happily, hand in hand while pushing the stroller. " Hey. I was wondering. Do you have any regrets about how this turned out for us," he asks, and then I look over at him.

" Not a one. Being a mother is something I always wanted, and same with being with you. I wanted it for so long, and now I have it. That's not something I could ever regret. Do you have any," I ask, and then he shakes his head. I smile at this, and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before we enter the house together. Looking into the stroller, I see that both Samantha and Mason have fallen asleep. (y/n) looks in, and then smiles. " Nap time it looks like," I tell him, and then he nods.

I pick up Mason, and then he picks up Samantha, and the two of us walk to the bed. Gently, we set them down in the middle of the bed, and then we wrap our arms around each other, holding each other and then our children close, and then I smile. He falls asleep right away, and so does Samantha. A few more moments pass, and then Mason falls asleep, and then I join him eventually. " I love you all so much," I say as I fall asleep, and then I hold them all close to me, happy with my new family.

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Jessica Nigri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now