Part 4

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-Your Pov-

You drove with Jessica, and stopped when you had gotten to the place she told you about. The two of you step out, and then go into the building. Some brief introductions are done quickly, and then Burnie starts talking with Jessica about her work with Roosterteeth, and then someone named Monty Oum hands her some papers, and then explains to her some things about her character Cinder, and the explanation actually sounds really interesting, and something you'd be interested in following. For the most part, Monty talks with her, and then Burnie turns to you. " So, (y/n). We spoke on the phone about it. I don't suppose you have a resume, or anything like that with you?"

" Uh, no. Sorry about that. I know this was a little impromptu," you admit. " I didn't really have time to put together anything solid for this." You mentally kick yourself, and then wonder what your plan is if Burnie decides not to hire you.

" That's okay," he says, which surprises you. " I can already tell some things about you that speak in your favor. For one, Jessica speaks highly of you, and it is easy to see why. You've gone through for her twice in the past 48 hours, and I can tell you're a risk taker." The both of you chuckle when he says this. " I also saw some of your competitive game-play, and read your web comic. You seem like you have a good deal of charisma and ideas."

You thank him, and then ask if he has any other questions for you, and he just shrugs. " Nah. Interviews with us are kinda informal. Welcome to Roosterteeth," he says, extending his hand for you. Smiling, you take it and he gives your hand a firm shake. When the two of you finish this conversation, Jessica turns to you with an incredulously look on her face.

" I thought you had a job in New York," she says, and Burnie does his best to stifle a laugh. " And, I thought you were only in Texas for the convention?" By this point, he's almost doubled over in laughter, and Monty shoots him a knowing look. You stutter, and then try to give her an answer, without revealing your feelings for her just yet.

" Well uh, I was thinking about moving out of New York for a long time," you tell her. " I decided to give Callum and Victoria my old place, since they'd been looking for awhile. They're paying me rent until the property gets officially transferred to them. I also have some nest eggs tucked away in case this didn't pan out."

She chuckles, and then playfully punches your arm. " You should have told me you were moving to Texas full time. I really thought we were going to have to say goodbye after a few days." She seems a little bit sad when she says this, and on instinct, you reach over and give her hand a squeeze. She looks up a little surprised, but a smile returns to her face and eyes.

" Do you have any questions for us," asks Burnie, and he and Monty stand up. You and Jessica both say that the two of you will be fine, and then they push in their chairs to leave. " Well, once again welcome to Roosterteeth. I'll have both of your offices set up for you on Monday, and then we can coordinate how things will go at the convention."

The two of them leave, and then you and Jessica sit around. " Oh, can you drive me to the hotel I'll be staying at," she asks, and you nod. The two of you get into the car, and start driving down. You wonder if she'll mention how you spooned her last night, but she seems to either not know, or not mind, which is probably for the best. " How long had you been thinking about moving to Texas?"

48 Hours, you think to yourself. " Well, when I went pro for video games really. A lot of big events happen in Texas, so I thought this way I could set up and be a bit more stable, as opposed to if I was in New York. Besides, I went to school in New York. I love the place, but I felt like a change would be nice."

You get to her hotel, and then start helping her unpack her stuff, before just hanging out and watching TV. Eventually, night falls, and you turn to leave. You fumble through your pockets, and then begin to curse. " Left my room-key in my hotel," you explain, which makes Jessica laugh. " I'll just ask front desk to unlock my room."

She shakes her head, and gives another laugh, and then thinks about something for a second. " Well, you could stay with me for the night. It is getting late, and we've had a few drinks. Wouldn't want you to get in an accident, or in trouble for drunk driving." You think about it, before nodding, and then you notice she doesn't set up a line of pillows. You ask about this, and she just shrugs. " I didn't mine when you cuddled with me last night." You blush like an idiot, but she just smiles.

With this, you climb into the bed, and wrap your arms around her, and she curls into a compact ball, and you pull her as close you you as you can. A blush is still present on your face, but you do your best to tell yourself not to worry. This was her idea. It's fine, and besides. This is Jessica you're talking about. You knew deep down in your heart that this was the girl you were going to marry from the second the two of you had played Pokemon together. This is how it was supposed to be. As you start to doze off, you hear her mutter something, and then you too fall asleep, telling yourself that when you wake up, you'll decipher what she said.

Jessica Nigri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now