Part 8

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-Your pov-

You sit in Burnie's office, playing your fingers like drums on his desk. You asked to talk with him, but have no idea how to start this conversation. However, he looks at you like your behavior is perfectly normal. You ask him about it, and then he responds by asking if you've seen the people he has working for him. Shrugging, you go back to playing the beat of Hero, by Flow and then deciding how you want to break the news for him. Eventually, you decide to ease him into it, which is how you wished Jessica had done for you. 

" I love working here man," you tell him, and he nods. " I mean, I get to play video games for my living, which is just great. Dragonball FighterZ is the best, and I have so much fun. The people I work with are great, and Jessica loves it here too. Speaking of Jess, I wanna thank you for that. The both of us working here is why she and I started dating."

"Oh, the two of you are dating now? Congratulations," he says, and you thank him. "The both of you are lucky that you have each other. Do you need a day off to go on a date? If so, just tell me when and I can arrange for it." 

You continue to sit in silence, which he misjudges. " Oh, are you worried to ask for time off since you just started working here? Man, don't even worry about it. The two of you have been working really hard, and everyone loves you."

" See the thing is, we might need to take a couple days off here and there,"you say to him, and one of his eyebrows raises questioningly. 

" Are you two moving in together already? I mean, not already since you've known each other forever. But, are you two sure you can handle this?"

" Burnie the thing is, well...that is to say...Jess and I....she's pregnant," you say after a long pause, and then you see his eyes widen, almost too big for his face. Then, he breaks down into laughter, and struggles to contain himself. Eventually, he looks up at you, and wipes a tear from his eye from having laughed too hard. Then, he notices your facial expression. 

" Oh. You're serious," he says, and then you nod, and he places a hand over his mouth, and looks like he's thinking about something. " I don't know if I should tell you congratulations, or throttle you and ask if you know how to put on a condom. They aren't that difficult man." You look down, and then he presses. " Tell me you at least wore a condom."

" Well, the thing is Burnie. Sometimes, things happen you know? You just..gotta get in there, for lack of a better term, and the next thing you know, you're going to be a father." He looks at you, and then starts shaking his head back and forth. He has such a fatherly vibe about him that it makes you feel like you always did when your father would tell you all about the birds and the bees. 

" I can't believe I even have to ask you this man, but did you even try to pull-out? At the very least, in this whole shit storm of a story...did you try to pull out?" You shyly shake your head to confirm that you didn't. Burnie and you then sit in an awkward silence for a few minutes, and then he starts texting some people. 

" I'm putting together a party for you and Jessica," he explains. " Gonna congratulate the both of you. Then, there's going to be a party came, called: Pin the Condom on the idiot. The way it works is I blindfold the guys and girls, and see who can do the best job putting a condom on a replica penis."

You sit there, laughing at his joke, until he tells you that he's serious. " On a serious note though, congratulations," he says.He reaches into his desk, and pulls out two cans of beer, and then a pack of condoms. He slides you on of each, and you sit there, looking at it, realizing how alcohol usually leads to needing a condom. 

-Jessica Pov-

I throw up into a trashcan at the recording studio, prompting everyone to look at me confused. I try to apologize, until they all tell me it's fine, and they ask if I'm feeling alright. I don't answer for a minute, as I debate whether or not I should tell them about the pregnancy or not right away. However, eventually they're going to find out, and sooner rather than later would work best. I tell them that I'm pregnant, that it's (y'n)'s child, and then watch as they burst with excitement, and a mix of reactions. 

(y/n) however did not have the best luck sharing the news. " Yeah, I got a lecture from Burnie," he says as he drives to the hospital, and I try not to laugh. " We're going to have an office party. I'll do the drinking for the both of us, since you're pregnant."

We pull into the hospital, and then are taken to a room. The nurses and doctors run some routine tests, as (y/n) reads from one of the hospital magazines. He nods every so often, and then I look over to see the title of the article he's reading. ' Everything teens need to know about safe sex.' I manage a chuckle. It might be a bit late for those tips to help now, but maybe later. 

" Congratulations Miss Nigri, and Mr. ( l/n)," says the doctor after a minute, before pulling our attention to the sonogram. We look at it, and try to decipher the image, but the doctor chuckles, and places a supporting hand on each of our shoulder's. "The two of you are going to have twins."

( let me know what you thought) 

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