Part 6

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-Jessica Pov-

I sit at lunch with the rest of the cast of RWBY, and try to stifle a laugh as Barbara makes a pun. I love working with them, and the conversation puts the nagging doubt in the back of my mind to rest for a little bit. " So, how do you know (y/n)," asks Barbara, bringing the doubt back into my mind again, about the fact he didn't wear a condom, the fact that I might be pregnant. " Are the two of you a couple?"

" I think so," I tell her. " He and I were childhood friends for years, and then the two of us got split apart, me bouncing from convention to convention. We were both in Texas, and he actually sold his house to try and get with me."

A resounding " awee" goes from everyone I'm at lunch with. The group all talks about how sweet that is, and then I smile, allowing myself to admit this was a sweet story, and that it was a big chance (y/n) took on me. I'm so happy that he and I found each other, and that I found someone with a genuine interest in me, and not just for my body. And he finally found someone who isn't loyal, someone who loves him. I giggle when I have this thought, the thought that I love him. Admitting that is freeing. I tried to stifle those feelings I had for years, tried to talk myself out of believing he and I could ever work out.

However, that nagging doubt appears again in my mind. I might be pregnant. Which would be something else alright. I might have to take a break from cosplay as the pregnancy enters the later stages, and of course I wonder how this would affect me and (y/n). He and I are new into our relationship, and this a bit of a bombshell to drop right in front of us early on. We aren't even living together, and we don't exactly have a clear definition for what we are, where we are even. I don't know if (y/n) wants kids or not, or even if he is at a stage in his life where he's ready to raise kids.

Deep down I know this something I want. I remember how I used to play House with (y/n), and even back then, I knew I wanted to marry him and maybe even start a family with him. My life may involve a lot of traveling, but deep down, I always wanted to settle. I wanted the white picket fence and a happy family. And, despite all the men who showed interest in me, there was no one else I would ever want this with other than (y/n). If I am pregnant, then the one thing that keeps me calm is knowing that no matter how he feels, (y/n) will never run away from this and from me. As he always has been, he would be my rock, my pillar of support.

That evening, he and I drive home together, and he orders a pizza. We spend the night laughing and talking, until the sun has set. Taking the time to change into pajamas, he lies down on the bed. He opens his arms, and then I consider going to be the little spoon again. However, I then go behind him and wrap my arms around him. Resting my chin on his head, I feel his heartbeat speed up. I know from our conversations years ago that he would also like to be the little spoon. And a part of me has wanted to do this since we arrived. A part of me that wants to hold onto him and never let go, make sure he doesn't vanish on me. Some of this seems too good to be true, and I want to make sure it's real. And, he fits like a puzzle piece. It feels like he should always have been there, going with how perfect he fits. " I love you Jess," he murmurs sleepily.

" I love you too ( nickname)," I tell him. I feel him giggle at this, and I smile at him. This is a dream come true for me. I loved him all along from so far away. His breathing becomes even, and then I pull him as close to me as I can. " Sweet dreams." With that, I feel him go out like a light, and I take the time to watch him sleep.

The rise and fall of his chest. The steady beating of his heart. The miracle that's him. " I love you (y/n)," I tell him again, even if he can't hear me. " I know you and I are just now together. And that there's a lot we need to figure out. But, it's you and me. We can do this. I know we can. I love you so much, and we are going to make it. I'm not going to leave you. I love you."

The next morning, he wakes up before me, and I smell something from the kitchen. Looking over, I see him flipping pancakes, and then he gives me a big smile, before taking a big swig of orange juice from the carton. I smile, and yet roll my eyes at this bad habit of his. " I'll be right back," I tell him, knowing that I need to know for the both of us. He nods, and then I head down to the store, and buy a pregnancy test. Going to the bathroom, I take a deep breath, before taking it. And then a sigh, mixed with emotions comes from me as it comes up positive.

Driving back to the hotel, I do my best to steady my breathing, and then decide how I'm going to have this conversation with (y/n), imagining the best and worst ways this can go. The best thing I can tell myself for this is that he will never leave me. I open the door, and then fiddle with my hand, and then take a deep breath. " (y/n)...I'm pregnant."

Jessica Nigri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now