Part 7

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-Your pov-

Your eyes widen, and her words seem to linger in the air. " Oh, okay," you manage after a little bit. Somehow, you're so panicked and freaked out, that you ran out of all the panic your body can produce, and the cycle that is the emotions of your body ended up back with calm. " Is this going to be like that one year you used this one me like April Fool's?"

She chuckles a little bit from the memory, and then fishes out a pregnancy test and hands it to you. You spend several minutes looking it up and down, and then nod, before looking at it again, as if sheer force of will can turn the positive sign on it into a negative. No such luck, and then you look up at her, as she nervously paces the room. " Is it mine," you ask, not trying to convey any emotion other than curiosity. 

" Has to be," she says. " My first night with you was the first night for me in a while. And, that's when I started to experience the symptoms that made me wonder. I'm so sorry to drop it on you like this, but I needed you to know."

All you can do is nod, and then try to clean up the glass cup you dropped when she told you she was pregnant. " No, it's okay. You did the right thing Jess. I did need to know sooner or later, and it's better that it's sooner. Although, yeah you could kinda pamper me up a little before that. Give me some padding or something I could work with."

Jessica gives a worried chuckle when you say this, and then looks down at her feet. " What are we going to do," she asks. " I'm just so confused, and I don't know what to think about all of this. What this means for us, and all of it."

Making your way over to her, you plant a kiss on her forehead, and then go to sit down on the couch. " We'll figure it out Jess. I promise. You and I are going to figure this out, whatever that means we end up doing. I've already started looking for a house, and then I was going to sort out the last few details about my place in New York. I'm renting it out to Callum and Victoria, which means I have some next eggs tucked away. We can make it."

She smiles at this, and then comes to bury her head in your chest, and you rub her back slowly. " It's all going to be okay Jessica. We can figure this out. I can go to the library and get some books on pregnancy, and do some research online. It might take a lot of work, hell it will take a lot of work. But, whatever we decide is best for you and me is going to be what we do. We'll make it happen. I promise."

After taking a shaky breath, she frees herself from your hug. " Can you give me a moment to get cleaned up? I want to just regain my composure before we talk about this," she says. You nod, and then she kisses your cheek and heads into the shower. You feel only a little bit guilty watching her ass she walks, and then you mentally kick yourself. Thinking like that is exactly how you ended up in this situation. If you had one more pint of blood, you would have remembered to put on a condom, or at the very least, pull-out. 

The world's longest shower later, Jessica comes out, a nervous smile on her face. " Thanks for waiting," she says. " Can we go on a drive or something as we talk? I just don't wanna have this conversation and be stuck in here."

Smiling, the two of you head into a rental car, which makes you wince. It makes you realize just how little you have figured out. You've been here for less than a week, and had just barely gotten yourself in a stable place. And then, with this, any progress you had made basically had been nuked to hell. You didn't have a car, and hell you didn't know your way around the city. You had been eating pizza for the last three days, for every meal and you lived in a hotel, which was old and smelled like cigarettes. You had no plan in mind for how you were going to make this work, hell you had no plan. The plus side of all this was that you were with Jessica now. And that was one hell of a plus side. It didn't mean you were ready to raise a child, but it was as good a start as any. 

" I want to keep the baby," Jessica says, which snaps you out of the profound monologue you were trying to have. You nod as confirmation you heard her, and then she stops to think about it. " I mean, it will be tough, but I want to do this, and I want to do this with you. Is that okay with you?"

" Of course it is," you tell her, and you see her let out a long sigh of relief. "Like I said Jess, we're going to figure this out. You and me are a team, and we have figured out everything else that came our way this far. And I promise, this isn't going to be where that streak ends. I love you Jessica, to the moon and back. Which means, I'm going to love our child as well."

The two of you sit in silence for awhile, before she rests her head on your shoulder. " You're going to be a great father,"she says. " And thank you so much for being here."

" No one else I would rather be here with," you tell her, which is true. " And you're going to be a great mom. So, do you want a boy or girl?" With that, the two of you sit in the car, and talk until the sun starts to set about everything you're excited to do with a child on the way. 

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