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Harry's POV

I weakly make my way up the stairs trying not to get blood on the floor, i reach my room and make my way to the washroom. i look at myself in the mirror, my nose dripping with blood, my eye starting to puff up from the blow that i received from my fathers fist my body filled with deep cuts, bruises that are starting to appear and ones that are just disappearing my arms filled with the hand prints.

As I gaze upon my body i look at all the the damage that has done to me, i cant help but think i deserve this each punch, each cut, each bruise, each vulgar word thats been said to me

you deserve it


I clean what i can as i wince at every movement, my body is so sore. I fall on my bed and can't help but let tears flow down my face, maybe i deserve this.

I feel so numb but i don't know how i get used to the pain, sometimes i dont understand how people don't notice, how my own mother doesnt notice the bruises on my arm my black eyes but i understand since she works so much i almost never see her so of course she wont notice. My pillow is soaked in tears, i close my eyes and try hard to stop,

stop crying

stop crying 

stop crying.


i make my way out of the school building only to be tripped by the one and only Louis "the bad boy" Tomlinson, hes not necessary popular but not unpopular, he fits in the middle hes, a bad boy or at least that's what he's seen as doesn't really seem to care about anyone or anything somewhat apathetic.

"learn how to walk, fag" he said as he laughed

"learn better insults" i stated, instantly regretting what i said, knowing my body is to sore to fight.

"what did you say" he said as he pushed me into the cold brick wall and winced, how convenient

"uh N-nothing" i stuttered

i felt his fist going into my stomach, feel to the ground and decided not to fight back, before i could think of anything else i felt his foot kick my stomach twice, i flinched at each hit and to my surprise he stopped, why did he stop?

"why aren't you fighting back, its been a while since you fought back. Well more fun for me i guess" he laughed.

before he could do anything else his eyes flickered to my cut lip and my eye, "what the hell!? someone got to you before i did"he said in confusion and what sounded a like a bit of sentiment, maybe im going crazy after all the beatings i think he cares, funny

"N-no one, why do you care " i groaned as i tired to sit up

"i don't, why would i care about you fag. I'd just like to know why someone is messing with my property" he  seethed

i rolled my eyes a got up before wincing at the pain that shot through my whole body. As i got up he noticed that i winced and for a moment i swear i saw concern in his eyes.

"whats wrong with you i barely hit you and you cant even stand, you've taken worse blows from me" he said as he eyed me trying to stand without wince eat each movement i made.

"Nothing, are we done here don't you have drugs to go do or someone else to annoy " i said

"whatever, you're worthless but done think you'll get off that easy ill see you later at diner" he said as he gave a sinister smirk and walk away. I was confused at first till i realized that the very day my mother gets of work early she invited him and his mother to diner, great i thought

I quietly opened the door and held my breath as i tired not to make a noise, my mothers car wasn't here yet  and that  left me alone with him the man that is supposed to be my father. I tried to make my way up my bedroom but i was stopped as i heard his voice

"why are you getting home just now! what were you doing, probably out with some faggot huh!" he yelled as he walked toward me

"N-no sir i was jus-" before i could say anything else i was cut off by hes hand meeting my cheek

i felt my eyes getting watery and tired hard not to let the tears fall. He hit me again this time it was worse and i knew by how hard he punched he was drunk. i feel to the ground not wanting to try and cover myself, i felt his foot go into my back and felt the pain coursing through my back.

My vision was blurry but i was him take of his belt and it met my skin hearing the leather slap hard against my skin, i yelled and thought whats the point if no one is going to hear me.

After two hours of being endlessly hit and burned by a lighter he had in his pocket he picked my up and threw me on my bed, how considerate of him i thought. I laid in my bed for a few moments before i heard the door downstairs slam shut, finally he left and i cried thinking of how easy it was for him to do that do me and then leave.

i carefully got up as i groaned at every movement i made, i slowly made my way to thee washroom, i took off my shirt and pants to get into the shower not before looking at whats been done the marks of his belt brightly printed on my body.

I looked at my face and saw i had a cut on my cheek my lip was busted open worse them before, burns scattered all over my torso and one on my neck, i signed and felt tears but i didn't let them escape my eyes because i was tired of crying.

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