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—Trigger Warning:Abuse—

Harry's POV

Since i've missed so much school, Louis went to get my assignments. Gemma is out and my mum is in her room, the only day she isnt working to try and hide herself in her work. We haven't really talked mostly because i've been avoiding her because i feel bad for what i did to her husband.

I Knock on her door and go in.


"Yea What's wrong love?" she asked

"ehh well can we talk?"

"Sure but it has to be fast since I have to leave for work" she said

"what i though today was your day off" i asked

"well it was, but i called in" she said

"Mum Are you okay?" i asked her

"what do you mean?" she said

"Look mum i know that you're trying to distract yourself with work but you have to stop, Gemma has came from Uni and she hasn't spent time with you and I haven't seen you either." i told her

"Look i know but i dont know what else to do" she said

"Are you mad?" i asked

"Mad about what?" asked

"That dad is not here, I know you loved him a lot, Im sorry" i said

"No, im not mad im just a little sad he isnt here and its not your fault i feel bad tht i didn't know that your own father, the man i love was doing that to his child and i should have paid more attention to you or should have known." she said

"Do yo still love him?" i asked

"Well i feel in love with him when very young and he was always so nice to me and when we had Gemma and you he was so carring too but after a few years i started to notice that he changed, each day the man i feel in love with kept disappearing. He would come home drunk a few nights in a row or when we would go out he would start drinking.

I don't know what happened to him. I still love your father because he's my husband but that man is not the man i fell in love with the man i fell in love with is gone." she said with tears in her eyes

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault" i said as my voice cracked.

"Oh love no its not. I should have known and im sorry you had to suffer through all those years. This is not your fault, I've been taking extra days at work because I feel so bad that you had to go through this and i didn't know. Im trying to find a way to make this better but i don't know how.

I'm sorry that I haven't been here with you and gemma. I'll call in and take they day off" she said as a tear went down her face

"Okay mum but i think you should have this day to yourself since, you've been working constantly and haven't had a break, i'll ask Lou' mum if she wants go out so she can take you some where and we'll do something together in the night". i told her

She nodded and she called Louis mum.

After a few hours later she had gone out and i texted Louis to see what why he was taking so long, he texted me saying that he had to take care of his sisters but he would send me my assignments.

"What's up H?" asked Gemma as she jumped on my bed

"Bored" I responded.

"Well where's Louis?" she asked

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