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thanks babes x



ill never be able to get enough sleep. I'll forever be haunted by nightmares and memories of what my father  did to me. I stir in bed and all the memories of my past  rise out of me, memories that I've suppressed and memories from my childhood some are good some aren't bad but still I dont want to remember it brings some sort of nostalgia, but its hurts.

It reminds me of how life was before my dad would hurt me but memories of when i would escape to see the ocean and blue eyed boy who I would adventure with.

I listen to the sound of cars that harshly and fast-ly pass by with urgency, the pass over the puddles from yesterdays rain, splashing and hitting the hard ground. It seems to rain a lot but its fine, I enjoy it. 

I've caught up on all my school work which wasn't easy but it wasn't hard, a lot of staying up late, I wasnt to behind and teachers were understanding since they heard about the trail they excused some of the days i was gone. I Don't have to worry about since we're on holiday break and im doing most of my school work online.

Its been a few days since the trial, I haven't seen Louis since the trial he says hes busy with his family, but who knows. Since the trial everyone has somewhat changed, when my mum talks to me she looks at me with guilt and worry, Gemma, Gemma always apologizes and Louis, when i see Louis he looks at me with pain.

Not pain because of the trail but pain about whats hes been hiding,  I can see its been eating away at him. I ask but he avoids it, but If he won't come i'll go to him.

Gemma leaves in the afternoon, It would be nice to for her to stay but she has to go back to her studies, I'm going to miss her but i know she's going to call me constantly, i feel bad her coming here and missing so much school-she seems okay with it.

Its not that late the sun has just started to rise. I make my way downstairs and something feels different in a way, the house feel safe, my house feels safe. I don't feel worried when i walk in this house or at least worried about my father beating me in this house. I walk into the kitchen to find food-something I'd never be able to do when he was here, the food would be ripped out of my hand or slapped.

When I was little french toast with strawberry's were my favorite, the smell of warm cinnamon early in the morning with fruit and chocolate chips. Racing Gemma into the kitchen to get the first piece of toast and helping mum make them, while spilling egg everywhere.

I get the things I need and start mixing and preparing. I hear a noise and quickly turn so see a sleepy Gemma with different coloured hair, she looks like a child that was given a paint.

"Different coloured hair?" i asked

She rubbed her eyes trying to wake herself, she walked lazily in my direction, yawned then spoke,"Yea Lottie did it. Why are you up so early, Haz?"

"Woke up early, and you you look like you haven't slept?" I told her

"I was trying to pack and do assignments I brought with me. Are you making french toast?" she said looking into the mixture of egg, cinnamon, and vanilla.

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