I wish

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Try and find the quote i put in here, I may have changed it a bit but i think if you understand you'll be able to find it :)


Harry's POV

Today was good my mother, Louis and I ate diner together and spent time together, for the first time in a long time i felt at peace in the place i never thought i'd call home.

It was nice till i was alone and didn't expect him to come home early, he saw the smile that was on my face and it was soon wiped off by his words and his punishments.

Silly me, to think it could all end the pain the beatings but he was maybe he was right i don't deserve happiness and no one will really love me for who i love.

Just when i couldn't think the beatings could get worse, they did and he saw what i had did to myself and it gave him the satisfaction of knowing he made me do it but its not like it was the first time , it was just the first time he saw.

It was a few days after he had came home and my body was once again covered  with the familiar marks on my skin, i dont think i will ever see myself in the future without marks on my body or see my self in the future all all... i'm mad and frustrated that my mother hasn't notice, or maybe she has and thinks i deserve this too.

All this is going through my mind three in the morning, just freshly after i was beat, tears staining my cheeks, puffy red eyes, emotionally drained and tired, i was going to do something i knew i would regret till i was stopped by the knocking on my window.

The familiar figure had entered my room and looked at me. I cleaned my tears and he made his way to me.

"Oh Harry-He's back isn't he" Louis asked clenching his jaw

All i could do is nod, he tried to examine my face but i flinched at his touch

"C'mon" he said pulling me off my bed, i gave him a confused look

"were going to my house" he said

"W-what i cant go, he'll know what if he find out and-" i said but was cut off by him

"Harry please, you won't let me tell anyone and i can't keep seeing you get hurt, its the only way i can keep you safe" he said

We climbed out my window, we walked to his house but stopped at his car as he climbed and i did the same

"where are we going" i asked

"I don't know, i just thought it would be fun to do something at this time, and plus you deserve a break" he responded

My head was rested on the window, the moon was fully it skinned brightly along with the stars, the radio was on and found my self singing along with the words. we stopped and got out of the car

"why are we at and ice cream shop" I asked

"Why not?" he responded

we walked in and i felt panic knowing i would have to get something to eat and thoughts would race through my head.

"What flavour do you want?" he asked

"oh-h i'm not hungry" i said as i felt my stomach grumble

"i'm not stupid harry, don't think i dont notice how your face changes when you get near food" he said

"C'mon just pick a flavour will split it" he said

I agreed, soon we sat down and ate, we'll he ate and i would eat one a little

Fire Beneath Me || L.S.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin