Am I free

690 18 3

Trigger warning self harm

Harry's POV

Somehow my father found out that Louis spends the night here sometimes and wanted to teach me what happens when I let people into his house that don't belong here

Sounds of my groaning and yelling in pain filled the room. Punch after punch, burn after burn,kick after kick and cut after kick he stopped but wasn't finished he only stopped because he had to work but said he'll continue after he gets back.

The same routine, clean up then go to my room and think what I could have done to avoid this and then cry.

Initially Louis was only going to be gone for a few days but he then told me he was staying for a week, we had gotten into a really bad fight through text then through the phone about me telling someone about the beatings or how he should be here protecting me.

We haven't texted in four days though he does text me to say good night or good morning but I don't answer and it feels like how it used to be before he knew about the beatings I was alone and scared. My thoughts were broken by the loud slamming of the door downstairs, he's here.

I didn't want to get hit so I quickly tried to get my shoes on,

"Where are you faggot time to finish your lesson" he yelled I could hear his voice getting closer which means he was coming.

I grabbed my keys,phone and quickly tried climbing out the window as soon as I had one leg out I felt my shirt get tight and saw him gripping it. He pulled me back inside and the me on the ground. I was so close

"Tying to run off to your boyfriend, well he can't save you now" he said

"No"I said quietly

"Shut up" He yelled

This time it lasted longer the beating, my floor was filled with spatters of my blood,treads and drool. Good thing I don't have carpets or it would be harder to clean. After a few hours he was done and I didn't even feel it, I don't know if he had pushed me to not feel or it was the fact that I was alone again that made me not feel.

I got in the shower, the water hitting my skin. I reached for the shampoo then stopped myself as I saw something silver and shiny, I hadn't done it in so long it was like it was calling my name and I ached for it.

I took the blade and pressed it against my wrist, this was the only pain I could control and it was what made me feel. When I finished I had a few cuts on my wrists and some on my hips. I didn't like to do it knowing It would leave permanent scars but it's the only control I've had in a long time and I needed it.

I got out of the shower and changed into some clothes. I laid on my bed and thought about if Louis what's here he would tell me everything thing would be fine. My phone buzzed and it was a text from Louis saying goodnight. I really don't know how I'm going to last a week without him but it's feels like I already lost him since we fought.


One week later

"Okay class, do the practice work then when you're finished you can start with your homework" said the teacher

Everyone never listen they just waited for her to stop talking then would go back to have side conversations with friends.

Louis just got back and I haven't seen him since this morning, I just saw a glimpse of him but left because I didn't want to bombarded by questions. Lucky for me I have him for this class but he wasnt here . I was able to bide myself all day without him noticing me.

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