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Short chapter, I know sorry. Next chapter will be longer but it might be the last one.  Thanks to the people who voted last chapter
All the love x

Harry's POV
We're in the building getting ready to meet the boss. Zayn is walking us to him we're all wired and for some reason this seems like a movie.

Zayn is different now. Well he has a different look. Yesterday he had pink hair tips now his hair is shorter and blonde. He has on a leather jacket and a gun ticked at his back.

Louis is walking along side me dressed in black too he doesn't seem nervous, calm almost.

The smell of metal and iron rust burns in the air. We reach a door and Zayn tell us to wait until he speaks with their boss.

Before I knew it we were ducking and trying to cover ourselves from the loud gunshots we hear.

There four gun shots and it stops i hold my breath and Zayn steps out with some blood spatter on his shirt. I breathe a sigh of relief and the police officers start rushing in.

I turn to look back at Louis and everything happens so fast and so slow.

The blood rushing out of his mouth and him grasping on to the air like if he weeding trying to grab something.

I kneels down and the tears rush down my face. I yell for someone to call for help but it doesn't seem like anyone can hear me

"Louis! You're going to be okay" say Zayn as he kneels next to me and Louis

"I'm supposed to put pressure right? I'm going to put pressure sorry if this hurts." I tell him

"It doesn't hurt Harry" he says some how

"That's good right Zayn" I say looking Zayn

I hear the sound of the ambulances and see the lights flashing, the paramedics running and rushing and then I don't hear anything.


I wake up in sweat. Next to Louis in the hospital he's been here for a few days he's okay but asleep. The sound of the monitor tracking his heart beat is extremely loud.

I'm still in the same clothes, just with dried blood—that's Louis'— that has stained it.

He get to go home today but I still feel like this isn't real because, I remember what happened:
We were in the ambulance the sounds of people yelling all around me trying to get Louis. The machines beeping and people trying to get him to breathe because he stopped breathing for a few moments; when that happened I felt like the air was taking away from me from both of us. The moving of the ambulance and sharp turns that would make me loose balance a few times. Holding his hand trying not to cry and think about every bad thing that could happen.

Then when we got to the hospital and wait here everyday until his eyes opened hoping that he wouldn't be gone forever and I would be here waiting for something that couldn't possibly happen.

In those few day and moments from the ambulance to the hospital, every single memory we shared as kids passed through my head: every heart break , laugh, guilt, pain sadness and happiness passed through me waves of emotions and memories. It felt like it was the last few memories before he's gone, like ima tv show when a character dies and they pass all the memories they share with people.

" You're free to go. All he needs to do is to change his bandage make sure it doesn't get infected. The doctor has sent a prescription to prevent any infections just Incase and someone will be here shortly with a wheel chair" said the nurse.

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