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Louis POV

I hate emergency rooms. I hate the blinding white lights, the white walls, the strong smell of cleaner its all overwhelming. Im not scared of needles of any of it , its the emergency rooms i dont like. It's as if it was telling you someone is going to die or this will be the last time you see white in your life because the funerals and life after that is black,dark and bleak; but i guess thats the point to see something bright before dark.

"Lets have a look at you" said a nurse interrupting my thoughts

"Oh its okay, im fine" i said

"You have a bruised eye, a cut on your face, and bloody knuckles, i don't think thats fine" she said

"I always look like this" i said sarcastically

"Some how I'm not surprised" she said giving me a smile

I agreed to be looked at, a few stitches and bandage wraps later i was done and back in the waiting room. No one would give me news Gemma was with Harry and so was Anne. I was getting frustrated that i was in the waiting room and wasn't allowed to go in i had to wait to give a few more statements to the police officers.

"So you stopped what was happening?" i asked the officer

"Yes, since you guys weren't there" I said

"Do you no how these events occurred?" he asked

"I dont know, how do you let a lunatic escape your jail? are you guys that oblivious to what goes on in your jail" I remarked

"Please calm down, this is just procedure" he said

"I dont know how the events occurred. I was walking and i heard someone, i looked to see who it was and it was my....friend. He was getting attacked by his lunatic of an asshole father, that somehow escaped and I pulled him off of him and gave him what he deserved." I said

"okay thank you i think we have enough, enjoy your the rest of your night or morning depending on your life choices" he said

With that Gemma told me i could see harry, she lead me to his room. Her and Anne went to go get food and i was left alone in the room with him.

He was attached to wires, his arm was in a new cast. Hes doesn't have any colour in his face, his curls are messy but this looks, peaceful.

I walked closer to him till i was sitting at the edge of the hospital bed and looked at him i'd never think that he would end up with bruises and cuts again. It pained me to see this beautiful broken boy abused again and thinking he deserved it. This was my fault too

"im so sorry Haz, I was supposed to protect you and i failed" I whispered, i got up and kissed his forehead, i felt my eyes burn and blinked the tears away.

I walked out of the room and bumped into Gemma and Anne, "where are you going" asked Anne

"oh its pretty early so im going to check my mother and sisters, she doesn't know that i left and she might be worried" i said. They both nodded and said goodbye



Six days later

"Are you stupid" said a girl voice through the phone

"What are you on about Gemma?" i said

"He's been home for almost a week and you havent been home to see him you didnt even see him when he woke up!" she said

"ive been at school" i said

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