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Louis POV

I arrived at Harry's place in the morning, I knocked on the door and no one answered. I let myself in and placed the food I had bought in the kitchen and saw Harry's mum asleep in the main room. I heard noises coming from upstairs where I assume Harry and Gemma are,"Hello?" I said to see if I would get a response. 

Gemma popped out of Harry's room I looked at her face and saw she had bloodshot eyes and dark subtle dark circles under her green-ish hazel eyes, and messy hair like hadn't slept much.

"Are you okay?" I asked

" I should ask the same thing, What happened to your face?" She asked

"Where's Harry?" I asked 

"Well I think he had a nightmare and when I found him he had drank, a lot so he's hungover" she said

"Oh. I'm sorry I should have been here, I was um...taking care of my sisters..." I said

"Oh" she responded not sounding convinced

"Is he okay now, can I go in?" I asked her

"Yes,try to get him to take some pain killers" she said

"Okay,I brought food so help yourself" I told her

She nodded and walked away. I tapped lightly on Harry's door,"harry can I come in?".

I walked in slowly and quickly to see a messy curly haired boy, curled in a ball with his head a hanging on the side of the bed near a bin, which I assumed would catch any vomit.

"What happened haz" I asked him

He mumbled and I crawled into the bed with him and brushed his hair out of his face, he slowly opened his eyes trying not to be blinded by the light of the sun. His eyebrows were furrowed and then softened when he realized t was me.

He furrowed his eye brows again,"what happened to your eye and face Lou" he asked.

"It's nothing. What happened to you, I leave for a day and you become borderline alcoholic" I said with a small laugh

"I had a bad dream, it was nothing" he said turning back To the position I first saw him in.

"I brought food, do you want to eat?" I asked

" 'm not hungry" he mumbled

"Harry you literally threw up all of the food you had eaten, you have to eat."

"I fell like shit I'm not hungry" he said

"Okay then go shower, you smell" I told him

"Heeyy" he whined

I laid in bed with him for a while and then when he got up to shower I went downstairs with Gemma.

I entered the kitchen to see Gemma eating a mouthful of pancake,"He's showering and he'll be down to eat, hopefully", 

"Mmm, now you gonna tell me what happened to your face or...?" She asked

"It's nothing, one of the twins hit me with their toys and I got a black eye" I lied

"Yea? A black eye, bruised jaw, cut cheek, and busted lip, sounds like a lot for just a pair of twins" she said and squinted her eyes

"Um yea?" I told her but it sounded more like a question

"Well either one of the twins is in fight club or you suck at lies" she said

"Well you do know the first rule about fight club" I told her

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