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Harry's POV

"When we were young me and you dated remember and I When were kids I thought everyone just dated who they liked but then I found out there was a name for it gay,lesbian, bi etc.. My dad found out we were dating and he blamed it on my mom he would constantly hit her tell her it was he fault I was gay. I would always hear them fight and I was forced to break up with you.

I never wanted to but I thought this would have made it better but my father continued to get more aggressive he would hurt Lottie not like how he hurt my mom a different way and she was just a kid.

I couldn't do anything, believe me I tried so many times but I wasn't strong Enough. It was so hard for me to just watch him hurt them and I took it out in you

I was angry because I couldn't be with you, I was ripped away from the love of my life and I was angry I couldn't stop him from my sister and mother. I held so much pain that I didn't know where to put it and then I bullied you mad got into drugs at a young age

It was my way to escape to pretend that my home life wasn't shit, then one day, I hit rock bottom. I was passed out cold on the floor I had overdosed at my friends house and he took me to the ER.

I don't remember how I overdosed I know how I felt it was empty dark and cold, I did wake up as you could tell and I was so angry at myself that I let this happen what would have I done if I died and I would have left my mother and sisters alone with that man.

I was realized from the hospital and went straight home to physically push my father out of the house. He left and I'm glad he hasn't came back. When he would hit my mum I would always tend to her cuts and learned how to clean them but I'm glad he's gone" he confessed

"I'm sorry I didn't know" I said

"It's okay you had your own problems to deal with" he said .

"But I couldn't stand and watch my mother get hurt any longer so I took charge. But I hope now you know why I really think you should tell your mother about your dad" he said

I didn't answer him and told him that we should continue with our books. He sighed and did what he was told, after a while I went back home and hoped they wouldn't notice j was gone for a long time.

I made my way upstairs quietly,everyone was asleep. I changed and sat on my bed looking out the window, I heard my door open and I froze thinking it was my dad.
I turned my head and let out a sigh of relief it was Gemma.

"Where were you I haven't seen you since the morning " she asked making her way to my bed and sitting next to me.

"I was with Louis why did mom say anything" I told her

"No not really" she said

"I figured" I said quietly

"Harry, can I ask you something" she said

I nodded my head and I could feel her hands going through my hair. Ever since I was little Gemma and I have been really close we would always look out for each other and she's been really protective over me since I came out. I know I'm very protective over her ever since we were little when boys would go up to her or when she had boyfriends.

I didn't want them to be with her because well you know how brothers are about sisters and she's my only sister.

"Do you remember when we were little and Dad hit you and I yelled at him because he hit you" she said

I slowly nodded hoping she wasn't going to ask what I knew she was going to ask

"H-has he- did he ever do it again?" She asked

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