Back where we started

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Harry's POV

We walked in night, to the place, our place. Surrounded with trees changing their colors and grass that was starting to die. The view of the sky in perfect sight and stars that dance under the moonlight. We have food, blankets, and drinks.

I remember the first time we had came. We Snuck out of our rooms and brought our first drinks. We were somewhat nervous that we were going to get caught. For me this was an escape from home, because it was the only place I didn't want to be. Each week we would come out here always in the night and the tall trees would hold our secrets and wishes.

"I haven't been here in forever" i said

"Yea, the trees look older" he said

We put down big thick blankets that kept us warm from the cold chilly air.

"Remember when we brought that tent" i said

He smiled and the crinkles by his eyes appeared and he laughed," Yeah".

He set down the food and wrapped ourselves with the big blankets. I put my head on his shoulder and looked up at the sky.

"Remember the firs time we came? We were young, just into our new relationship. We were so in love" He said

We were so in love.

I smiled," yeah, you let me tell stupid jokes and we told each other everything here."

"Well almost everything" he added

"Yeah. The last few times we came here were special to me" I said

"Because of your dad" he said

I nodded, "had started beating me more than twice a day. I hated everyday, I hated every moment I was awake. I hated myself; you looked at me like I was this brand new piece of art. You kept me going because you were always so sweet, you would hold me when i cried for no reason and you wouldn't pry. You're the Fire Beneath me" I told him

He smiled and laughed lightly,"Oh harry, that so cheesy. I Love you"

His faced turned serious because he realized what he had just said. Yes he has said it but not since he had told them I saw getting beat and i havent said it.

"Oh im so so-" he said before i cut him off.

"its fine" i told him.

"Really?" He asked

I nodded, "Yeah it slipped out. It's fine, I'm not going to yell at you like last time".

He smiled at little and diverted his attention to the view of the almost dead grass and trees that we're changing color. I ate the cookies that he had brought because apparently he thinks it's food and also looked at the view.

We lead against a tree and wrapped ourselves in the big blanket, kind of like a burrito because it was started to get really cold.

"Do you also feel wet or is that just me" he asked

"What ? I swear to god Lou, you always hold in your pee if you peed in here I will leave" I told him laughing a little.

We unwrapped ourselves and the warm air that was building up had left and the cold hair hit us. He look down at his shirt, "oh". He was bleeding.

"oh my god! You're bleeding and that's the only thing you say" I tell him

I shake my head and take out bandages that he was given. He takes off his shirt and removed the old bandages, he had bled through them.
Once I had put them one he put his shirt back on since he didn't have a change of clothes.

We wrapped ourselves back in the blanket and leaned on the tree this time eating candy.

Small chapter butt needed :)

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