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Harry's POV

"get the door please" my mother yelled, i tried hard to walk as fast as i could to the door, i couldn't stop thinking i she had came and hour earlier she would have seen who she's marred to, a monster

I opened the door the see Louis and his mother, she smiled brightly and did my best to return it, i invited them in and we made out way to the table.

"Harry what happened your face" she said as she eyed my cut, busted lip and bruised eye.

I stiffened and gave her the same answer i gave my mother,"Oh um its n-nothing i saw someone getting beat up and tried to break it up but ended up wit a few hits" i said as ii gave a small laugh and tried to make it believable. she nodded, i glanced at louis who was eyeing me he knew that id didn't have those marks on my face when i was getting a beating from him.

Our mothers got lost into conversation, they had finished what they had on there plate and walked to the living room. i was left with the same amount of food left on my palate it was just pushed around to make it look like i had ate some of it. i was taken out if my thoughts when i felt Louis kick me

i grounded "ahh what the fuck, Louis you idiot".

"i should be saying that to you what happened to your face you weren't like that earlier" he said with what seemed to sound like concern.

"nothing, why do you care so much you're starting to get really annoying" i replied

" i don't, why would ii care about you you're worthless, i'd just like to know who's putting their hands on my property" he said as he got up and sad close to me his face close to mine.

i rolled my eyes carefully got him and cleaned up before i could leave the diner room he pushed against the wall and lightly pinned me against the wall not hard but hard enough for me to wince and groan because of how sore my body was and not to mention his hand was over a burn and his other hand over a cut i had i could feel the blood going through my shirt.

"C'mon " he said i looked at him in confusion and we made our way to the washroom in my room, hes been here so many times i wasn't surprised he knew his way around my house. He took out the first aid and i looked at him in confusion

"why are you helping me i thought you'd be happy to see me in so much pain, you know you're strangely nice for a bully" i said

"oh shut up styles, i know how badly a busted lip can get infected and so can that cut on your face" he said as he pulled out ointment to apply to my lip and to my cut, he then put butterfly band aids on my cut and i flinched.

"sorry, so how did this happen and don't give me that bullshit of you were helping someone out as much as you can fight you and i both know that not what happened" he said

"its nothing, just drop it" i replied with anger in my voice

He looked at me with anger in his eyes then they softened and i looked at him in confusion

"H-harry you're bleeding" he said in a soft voice which ive never heard from him before maybe when he's talking to adults to fool them about who he really his but ive never heard this tone before

"I-its nothing" i said as i stood up trying to make my way out out the washroom but i was stopped as he pulled me and his hand landed on a bruise that was hidden under my shirt, i groaned and he looked at me before i knew it his hand was gripping my shirt and he lifted it as he saw the first bruise that was at my waist line, i quickly pushed his hand and he looked up at me

"what the hell why do you have a bruise take off your shirt i want to see what else you're hiding and don't give me 'its nothing' " he said and i could hear the anger in his voice

"its fine! just leave me alone go back to being a an asshole" i said

He looked at me and his face went angry "fine what ever fag its not like a give a shit about you", he left to where his mother and my mother where, i wanted to cry because all i could think is what if he knows and tell everyone.

I heard the door close and signed in relief knowing they left. I walked to where my mom was and saw him still here.

"Harry, Louis is staying over since his mother has to go on a work trip, he'll be staying in your room. great just great


Louis was asleep in my bed at least i thought , i stumbled in my room. My dad came home from being with is friends everyone was asleep and im surprised no one heard me yelling from the pain, it was four in the morning my mother wouldn't have heard since she gets up early for work so louis was the only one who was here.

The room was remotely dark aside from the moon shining brightly through my window, wouldn't it be nice to live on the moon sure it's cold and there's no air but i would be free from everything.

Tears where falling from my eyes and i tried cleaning them off my cheeks and more tears feel i sniffed and took of my shirt that was filled with blood, two beatings from him in on day nothing new ive been beat more times in on one day by him and louis, the difference is that Louis does stop well sometime but my father he keeps going event after i pass out. I went to my dresser to get a shirt to sleep in.

"Harry are you okay?" i froze i heard louis, he wasn't asleep.

i tried to put my shirt on as fast as possible, before he could discover my secret but it was to late he saw.

"what the fuck happened" he said as he got up, took my shirt knowing i would put it on and brush it off , i tried to reply but nothing came out and the tears fell out, to my surprise he hugged me and i gave in i hugged back gripping him feeling like he would be ripped away from me.

His shirt was filled with my tears we made our way to my bed and he held me as i cried for what see like forever and eventually i feel asleep, somewhat worry free thinking that my father would walk in and hurt me more.

For a small moment i was at peace.

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