Secrets that Remain

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Harry's POV

I anxiously waited for them to call my name to walk in the court room, the statement turned into my father calling a lawyer and not wanting to be sentenced. My heart raced in fear mixed with excitement and regret, Excitement because I'd finally be able to tell everyone what he did to me but fear because I'd finally be telling everyone what he did to me.

Regret because I don't want to do this and being here is a mistake for me, yes i want to see him behind bars but I don't want to be in the same room as him. 

I nervously tapped my leg and they called me in, everyone followed behind me. The room was big and silent, intimidating. My heart starting to race as i saw him. I couldn't imagine how my mum is feeling. Her eyes were puffy from silently crying and Gemma, Gemma's eyes we're filled with tears as if they we're begging to be released.

Louis, he was dressed and no bruises on his face, i helped him cover up a few bruises because I didn't think it would help us if we had a boy with us that had bruises all over his face.

"The hearing has now begun" said the Judge

"We will be taking statements from Harry Styles and we will ask questions that will go with everything Mr. styles claims his father did to him in order to decided if he should go to jail"

"Mr. Jensen we can start with your client"

"Gemma Anne Styles please take the stand" Said our layer

She looked at me and I nodded, she got up and made her way to the stand.

"You're close with your younger brother is that correct?" asked our lawyer.

"Yes" she said confidently

"And you didn't notice that he was being hit by your father" he asked

"No, he told me my father had hit him were it wasn't visible when he wasn't younger and when i moved out my father started to hit him were ever because he knew people wouldn't able to see him" she said

"And you never asked" Mr. Jensen

"No , i never knew" she spoke

"I have no further questions for her, sir" said our lawyer, Mr. Jensen.

Our father lawyer stood up and started to ask Gemma questions

"Gemma, you claim that you're close with your brother but you never noticed that he was getting hit" he stated

" He never showed any sign that he was getting abuse, he did become quiet and closed off but i thought it was what boys do, i guess he didn't trust me enough to tell me" she said as she turned to me with tears.

"Then how could you say you're close with your brother if you say he doesn't trust you" he stated

"objection!" said Mr. Jensen

"Denied, please Ms. Styles answer the question" said the judge

she nodded and looked at me,"My brother is the nicest person you'll ever meet, if you bump into him he'll apologizes and my father knew it and took advantage of that. My brother doesn't like to disturb anyone or make people go out of their way for him. He took these beatings for years, he was in pain constantly but never said anything because the thought it was his fault and didn't want to be a burden my brother is selfless, its not his fault that my father did this to him." Gemma finished, she smiled at me and cleaned her tears

"Did you ever see this abuse happen?" He asked.

"Once my father hit my brother in front of me, I yelled at him because I was mad that he hurt him. My father then apologized but not to harry to me." She said with a sad tone

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