Third Dare: Skydiving.

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Me:Hello guys welcome to the next dare which probably is the first dangerous one.

Luigi:What is about this time?

Me:You don't wanna know....

Chloe:Oh come on please tell we won't bite... we're at your beck and call remember?

Me:Hmm.. Ok then don't blame if you die from this dare.

Kelsey:Probably some weak dare.

Me:Nope. You guys are going Skydiving.


Rosalina:Who did that dare in the first place!?


Mario:Damm. So are we all going Skydiving?

Me:Nope.Only You Luigi and Chloe have to do so.

Luigi:Uh oh.

Chloe:Can we do something else?

Me:Nope unless you want to stay in a cupboard for 24/7.

Mario:Ok fine let's do this.

At Mount Wario.

In a Helicopter....

Mario:Oh my God!!!


Emily:So where are they landing?

Me:end of the Wario mountain. That is if they could survive.


Me:Now here are the rules, hand me your Power ups and pact.

Everyone:(Hands them over)

Mario:We can't use Power ups!?


Luigi:Might as well do it anyway.

Lily:I'm not sure nows the time.

April:I'm all set from here! You guys can jump now!

Kelsey:Wait what's April doing down there?

Me:To see if they all survived or not.

Peach:Wait you mean they can all die from this!?

Me:There is a 90% chance they can.

Chloe:I don't like where this I going.


Me:Okay you three time to fly....
(PPushed them to the cockpit.)

Mario:Who's going first?

Luigi:Ladies first.

Chloe:Shut up! How about you two do it!


Luigi:Someone has to go eventually.

Chloe:NOT me.


Luigi:Why not all go together?

Chloe:Good idea.

Mario:I would but nope (Pushed Luigi off)


Mario:Bye Bye!

Chloe:(Rkos Mario and takes him down with her.)

Mario:No I don't wanna die!!

Chloe:You shouldn't have done that boy.

Super Mario + Glitter Force:Ask or Dare.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant