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For getting 200 reads, you can now Dare Nico from the Smile Precure Movie!

Emily:Oh my God! Thank you so much!

Lily:Finally another friend.

Nico:(Magically appears ) Hi guys where I am i?

Chloe:You got summoned to be in a truth or dare book.

Nico:Nice. So I'm assuming you can dare me now?


Nico:Ok I will accept any dare no matter how dangerous it is.(Winks)

Emily:Oh really?

Nico:I have been through a lot with you. I can handle stuff.

Chloe:You heard her folks, straight from the horse's mouth.

Emily:Gee. Thanks for the clarification Swagmaster.

Chloe:(puts Mlg shades on.)Deal with It.


Emily:You're no fun... Hapupupu....

Nico:It wasn't that bad you know.

Emily:I know.

Lily:(Writing Chloe fanfic #101)

April:When did you?

Lily:Had the others done with Kelsey a long time ago.

April:You should have called me though.


Me:There you have it people making a grand total of 12 characters now! But theres still a long way to go so don't forget to dare the newbie like you did with Shy Guy and I'll see you next time soon.

Next Character Unlocks at 300 reads!

Super Mario + Glitter Force:Ask or Dare.Where stories live. Discover now