Some Kitty Dares.

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Nb:May contain some unwanted scenes in your mind as you read along. Just say in.

In this part we complete all 3 dares from NintendoStarrie

One fateful day ...... I mean night.

Part 1. Cloudine talks to Jewel.



Jewel:(Sees her but tries to ignore her and sleep)

Cloudine:Onee Chan?

Jewel:What now Cloudine?

Cloudine:I've been dared to talk to you.

Jewel:wow that's so nice of you.

Cloudine:Don't say that. Aren't you lonely sleeping on the window still when it's raining and snowing heavily outside?

Jewel:I'm .....m ......not

Cloudine:I can tell when you're lying nya!

Jewel:im......not thanks for asking.Achoo!

Cloudine:Told ya you'll be sick.

Jewel:Maybe I need someone to talk with.(blushed a little)

Cloudine:Get down from the and come and sleep in your basket with me.

Jewel:You be willing to do that for me....?

Cloudine:Sure. You're my twin after all and twins gotta look after each other right?

Jewel:Thanks Cloudine. (Goes to sleep with her.)

If you got any bad thoughts I don't blame you.

Part 2. Jewel talks to Rosalina.

Jewel:( roaming around cuz she's hungry)

Rosalina:(reading Lily Fanfics)

Jewel:(Goes to Rosie and purrs)


Jewel:(looks at Rosie with sad eyes)

Rosalina:Oh I forgot to feed you I'm so sorry. Man I didn't know Lilys fanfics were so catchy.

In the kitchen.

Jewel:Rosalina sama?

Rosalina:What's is it dear?

Jewel:I've been meaning to say this for a while and I didn't have the courage but do you love me the way you love

Rosalina:Why do you say such a question? If course I love you two both equally. You like my family and that's something I'm never going to forget.

Jewel:You're saying that so that I feel bad of myself aren't you?

Rosalina:No. I mean what I said truly.

Jewel:Prove it.

Rosalina picks up Jewel and kisses her for 10 seconds.

Jewel:Onee chan.....

Rosalina:Told ya I have feelings for you. Now take this cat food and eat up ok?

Jewel:OK thanks Rosalina..(devours her food.)

Part 3. Talking about Jewel.


Cloudine:Yeah nyan?

Clara:Can you come here for a second?


Clara: I want to talk to someone.

Cloudine:Seems simple.(climbs on her lap and sucks her thumb.)

Clara:So tell me how is you twin sister?

Cloudine:Jewel? She's kinda like the opposite of me, She's a tsundere, She's harbors hard feelings against others and is easily mad, and she easily can made to blush madly.

Clara:You're friend kinda reminds of Mackenzie actually.(sips tea)

Cloudine:How nyan?

Clara: back then before we started the Glitter Force Doki Doki, she was the first to be a heroine, but because she felt she needed to things alone, she neglected others help for the time being, but thanks to me Maya an Rachel we showed her that she needed us after all.

Cloudine:Wow.... that's interesting nyan.

Clara:You should try talking to your twin more often. You'll never know what she may do with you. I mean you'll never know what she may show you one day.

Cloudine:I will thank you Clara.( runs off )

Clara:Glad I could be of help.(Goes to look for Maya)

That's it for this part. Thanks for reading and don't I forget to comment what dares you wanna see next time.

Until then peace and Take care.

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