Know Your all Stars: Rachel (Glitter Diamond)

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Voice:Know your all Stars......Know you're all stars........ in Today's episode we have one of the Smartest Cures of all time, she may be a bit edgy, but not as Mackenzie she's also Maya's best friend although Clara stated the same thing in the first episode of Doki Doki so I dunno which is which, but anyway she's is a loyal friend of Maya anyway and aspires to be a Doctor in the future. Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for Rachel!


Rachel:(blushes) thanks for the Intro.

Voice:(arms himself)

Rachel:Why are you armed to the tooth?

Voice:I don't want any shenanigans with the Precures again so far two have called the cops and one even called the Miltary!

Previously on Know Your all Stars...

Clara:That's not true. That's it I'm calling the Military!

???:YOLOOOOO! (Crashes)

Voice:I never get paid for this!!!!


Rachel:That was embarrassing.

Voice:Screw Clara. As punishment I tied her up to the ceiling.

Clara:Can someone please help me get down from here please? I promise it was a mistake.

Voice:Stay up there. Cloudine go and torture her but before that.... Gay Godess Kelsey... May you do the honours?

Kelsey:hell yeah. (Pours Kool aid on Clara)


Maya:My Baby!


Cloudine:(goes to the top.) Hello!

Clara:Please be a good kitty and free me ok please I've been tortured enough already.

Arceus: I'm enjoying this pls continue.

Me:You heard God. Continue the tortue meanwhile I'm gonna play Bony Sprits boss rush and kill Slimander. Dumbass.

Clara:No ....... No.......


Jewel:(clinging on to her dress and licking her rapidly)


Mario:Hey get down from there!

Emily:Now that is torture.

Voice:Do the same for Emily! Anyone who defies me will receive the same punishment!


April:Let's go.(pulls her)

Emily:No No Pls No NOOOO!!!

Lily:Why do you have to be so mean to them!

Voice:I hate the police and no one is ever going to torture me again.

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