Smash Bros Dx : Trailer #1

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Since I'm feeling so generous Today I'm letting you guys see what's to come soon later in the story.

This may not be part of the story but let this be a sign of things to come.

Chapter ?? - Encounter Megumi.

In Wuhu Town from MarioKart 7.

Megumi: Ah it's such a awesome day in this town. Who would know that I would that I would be invited to a town with the best fighters of all time? I wished I could bring some of my pals though.  That would be nice.

Megumi walked through Wuhu Town, enjoying the sights and scenery. Eventuality she got tired and she went
To a park to go and rest.

Megumi:That's enough sightseeing for one day. I wonder who I'm going to meet before my first fight though.

All of a sudden a small figure comes form the sky with full.force and It was coming straight at Megumi for some weird reason....

Megumi:Huh... what is that in the sky...

The thing comes towards her but Megumi was fast enough to dodge it in time for her to dodge the impact.

Megumi: woah. That was close! Who is that in the crater anyway......?

She the went to the crater in which she looked closer before finding a small Angel in the middle of the crater
That was made. From the looks of it she was a small girl with white Angel wings and a plain white dress.

Megumi: Oh no. Looks like she had a rough fall from the sky. Time to go see if she's. Alright. Hey there.... Are you ok?

The Girl manages to wake up finally after repeated tappings on her body.

???:Huh.... where am i?

Megumi:Awesome! You're awake. For a second I thought you were gone.

???: Thanks for looking out after me. Can you please tell me who you are and where I am?

Megumi:Sure. My name's Megumi Aino. I'm came from my hometown Pikarigaoka to participate in this year's Smash tournament. And you're in the town of Wuhu Town as far as I can tell you.

???:I see nice to meet you. My name's Katie. People refer to me as Katherine but I like Katie better.

Megumi:Ok... So Katie... Katie,Katie,Katie ..... got it! So Katie what where you doing falling from the sky?

Katie:About that... Oh No is this earth right!?

Megumi:Yeah why?

Katie:My sister has thrown me out of my home and locked up my Mom in the heavens. She wants to take control of both worlds to be the most powerful being in existence!

Megumi:Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Katie:Its a really bad thing! Please you have to help me Megumi! I know I just met you and all but you need to help before the earth fall into bad hands!

Megumi:Lucky for you... I'm a superhero known a Pretty Cure.

Katie:🤔 Pretty Cure....?

Megumi:Pretty Cure or Precure for short. We help save the world from bad guys in our dimension.

Katie:Awesome so your a magical girl


Katie: I see. So I guess we should get a move on them.(about to leave)

Megumi:Wait a second...... do you know where to go?

Katie:Uh..... I have no idea....

Megumi falls down.

Katie:But we could always ask people for help and directions right?

Megumi:I'm not sure people would be comfortable seeing an angel around a teenage girl.

Katie:Oh yeah. But don't worry I can hide my wings so you need no need to worry.

Megumi:Ok. Let's get going and ask people for help if they know anything they have in mind that could help us to save your home.

Katie:That will be great! Thanks Megumi!!!

Megumi and Katie walked through Wuhu Town and asked for help from all walks of life, but it seems that it would take a long while.....

Megumi:Well, we got nothing. I'm sorry Katie.

Katie :No worries.

???:Hey Megumi!

Megumi:Wait a second... hold the Phone... Maya Aida!?

Maya:That's me! Long time no see. I am right or I'm right!

Megumi:Youre not wrong either way.
So what brings you here?

Maya:I'm here cuz i got invited to the Smash Bros Tournament thingy. You too?

Megumi:Same here. But isn't it were that they invited us?

Maya:I guess they must have heard how Pretty Cures are strong and must have added a few to enter the tournament!

Megumi:I see.

Katie:Megumi, who is she? A friend of yours?

Megumi:Oh right. Katie meet Maya Aida. A close friend of mine! Maya meet Katie a Angel I think.

Maya:A Angel!? That's so cool!

Maya hugs Katie to death.

Katie:Urm... Maya air please......

Maya:I'm so sorry. So whatcha doin?

Megumi:Helping this girl returning to  her hometown and stopping her sister  from controlling the earth..

Maya:So I'm guessing you are going to need the help of moi...mes amis?

Megumi:Oui amigo.

Katie:Thanks Maya. I'm sure that you won't regret it.

Megumi:Guys.... I know I'm feeling rude... but haven't we spoilt the main plot yet?

Maya:Nope. Let's keep on talking.

Katie:But Maya we need to keep it silent......

Maya:Oh. Ok guys that's all we can spoil for this chappie of the story. Hope you liked it.

Megumi/Katie:See ya!!

So did you guys love what you see so far?

Let me know on the comments section below.

Also, I picked Megumi Aino from Happiness Charge Precure as a playable character as a random pick.

So expect to see her in the story.

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