Know Your all Stars !: Chloe (Glitter Breeze)

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Voice:Know your all Stars......Know Your all Stars..... in Today's episode we have the most matured bunch out of the Smile Cures with us, she is a very sweet person but the ironic thing is this can be cold sometimes...

Erika:Pun Literrally Intended?

Voice:True. But she cares for her friends and everyone else who has a relationship with her.

Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for Chloe!!


Chloe:Why thank you.

Voice:Glad to have you here. But before we begin, let's get into this.
Are you a lesbian or Your STRAIGHT!?

Chloe:I'm pansexual.



Kelsey:Thank God I can sense gays.

April:(disgusted) eh....

Voice:Anyway.. First things first. Chloe as a vice president never let's the students on break for the whole school year and removes any holidays for the poor kids.

Peach:That's sad.

Rosalina:Cloudine can't grow with that kind of education.

Cloudine:(drawing over her math book) I need a break. ( faints)

Jewel:(uses her fangs to tear her own math book) I hate school.


Luma:Yeah she's always like this. She almost tore the down the library in the Observatory a few days ago.

Emily:See this is what the children of the world WANT! We need breaks!

Lily:Lots of them!

Chloe:of course I give you guys breaks and how dare you say I don't give any?

April:Ok then explain why Kelsey told me you said that you have taken Easter break away from us when we went to the Eagles parade?

Kelsey : and those two snow days!

Chloe:We need make up days people.


Mario:Thank God I never had a education.

Luigi:What about Mario teaches typing?

Mario:I was only a computer for 2 weeks and I sucked ass.



Peach:SHUT up.


Voice:Chloe has confirmed her love for Rachel and the two are gay towards each other since then.

Maya/Emily:WHAT the f


Kelsey:Welcome to my world people where I'm the queen of the gays and everyones GAY!


Yoshi:I want to die.

Chloe:I'm not gay! Who told you that stupid rubbish.

Rascal:I tweeted it on Twitter 5 hours ago.

Chloe:You bastard!


Regina:Guess you were cheating on Maya where you?

Rachel:Shut before I stab you.

Regina:Make me.

Rachel:Pulls knife.

Regina:Oh crap.

Rachel:Now die!


This commercial was brought to you by the old man who sells weed on the road side.

"You darn kids get off my property!"

"Godammit old man!"

Back to Reality.

Voice:That was a mess luckily no one got hurt. So Chloe is gay I guess?

Chloe:For the last time I'm not gay!

Kelsey:(models April in a bikini and puts her on stage) then resist THIS!


Mario:Bring me that ass!

Peach:(drags Mario from the stage)Let's a go.

Mario:Nooo! (Kicks Peach away)

Bowser:Oh he'll NO.


Bowser:Luigi get the he'll outta my way! (Smashes him with a table)

Mario:(burns Bowser)

Bowser:Aah Jesus Christ!

April:(blushes as Kelsey makes her sit on Chloe)


Kelsey:Just admit it.

Voice:Chloe gets Fs in class.

Chloe:I don't and that goes to Erika.

Erika:Be quiet! I only got a F in English beacusz the teachers a douchebag!

Tsumobi:If you weren't using your switch In class.

Erika:I hate reading.

Emily:Who doesn't.

Voice:Chloe sells all of Kelsey bikinisto others to show that she's gay to get closer to April.

Chloe:That's not true! I demand to talk to your director this instant! How can you spread malicious lies like THIS!

Voice:Blame the script.

Kelsey:April's still mine though.

April:True that.


Voice:Know you know Chloe, the mean President who never let's people go on breaks, is gay towards April hates Kelsey and loves Rachel with a passion.

Chloe:(goes backstage and finds the voice) ah Ha!


Chloe:(loads a gun) any last words.




Sorry I haven't updated This book for the past couple of days.

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