Dare 4: Kapril and Luigi x Rosalina.

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Me:Hello and welcome back. Sorry for no update yesterday we were busy. Well I was, but now I'm kinda free for a bit so let get these dares rolling.


Me:First question, April, why are you being a tsundere nowadays?

April:I....Im not!

Kelsey:Doesn't seem like it to me.

April:Shut up. You don't know how it feels to be around gay girls everyday.

Emily:Dude, some are hanging out with you already.

Chloe:Not to Mention you're one yourself.

April:Thanks for the advice.Im being this way, cuz it has to be like that for the dares to get interesting.

Me:Ok cool. Second question, Kelsey are you fine with this?

Kelsey:Nope  I want my Senpai back...

April:You had your chance you wasted it.

Kelsey:I was dead at time.

Mario:(Crashes through the ceiling)
Hahaha! Mamamia.....

Me:Great now I have spend money to fix that!

Mario:by the way, Kelsey you were mostly dead, there is a huge difference between dead and mostly dead.

April:Thank you!

Kelsey:Fine...... I see how it is..(Leaves the room I'm frustration)

April:Kelsey I didn't mean to....

Me:I know.

Mario:Time for you to make amends! Go out there and show her who's boss!

Emily:Yeah No homo.


Emily:Oh wait wait wait!!



Lily:Nnejinks!!!!(tackles Emily and Chloe through the door breaking it.)

Me:Are you three going to be fine?


Lily:Omae wa no eh shinderu?


Chloe: hehehe.........hehehe (starts behaving creepy like those people in creepypasta Fanfictions and games.)

Emily:uh..... what are you two going to do to me?

Lily:just wait and see..... hehehe.....

Emily was knocked out cold, placed in a sack, and was placed in a bedroom for torture.

Time skip during torture.

April:Kelsey? Kels? Where are you?

Kelsey:Great what does she want from me?

April:There you are!

Kelsey:Leave me alone! You hurt me enough already!

April :(catches her) I wanna say I'm sorry.

Kelsey:For what?

April:For humiliating you back there. I should have thought twice before putting you on the spot.

Mario:Yeah you did.

Kelsey/April:SHUT UP MARIO!!

Me:Shouldn't you be crushing Lumas or something?

Mario:Oh yeah. Weehee!(crushes a Luma.)


Me:sorry Rosie, from now Mario has to crush at least one Luma in every dare if thus book.

Rosalina:Screw You!

Mario:Let's a go!  Yolooooooooooo!


Mario:(Crushed a Luma of weight)

Luma:5000 and 5.

Me:achievement unlocked!

Crush five Lumas!!!


Mario:that's  a so nice!

Me:Now go for 20 more Lumas and you get a nice award.

Mario:Wahoo!(Runs )




Me:I dare you to kiss Rosalina.


Me:I made a lot of people mad today,time to make amends.

Luigi:(Kisses Rosie.)



Rosalina:I'M SO SORRY DAISY! (runs away)

Daisy:I wasn't going to do anything bad.

Kelsey:(blushes) you know you don't have to do this you know.

April:I don't care. I just care about you only and that's enough to make me happy.


April:Aww look who's crying.

Kelsey:I'm not!

April:You sure? That face is telling me stuff other wise.

Kelsey:Huh fine I'm glad I have a gf who cares about me.(Kisses her back)


Daisy:(blows a kazoo to mark the occasion.)

Me:That's it from this date so a lot of kissing from two ships woo. But we still have a lot to cover, join me next time for more truths and dares don't forget to keep bringing in dares though I have a bunch of them myself in case people forget.

Kelsey:anyway keep bringing dares and we see you guys next time in the next dare.


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