Know Your all Stars !: Luigi.

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Voice:Know you all stars......Know you're all stars.....

Luigi:You sound scary......

Voice:Ladies and gentlemen... we give you the mean green machine! Luigi!


Luigi:Go Weegee.

Voice:Luigi is always afraid of boos.

Luigi:That's not true!

Voice:Then explain this.

Boo:Noo. It's very scary.

Luigi:(screams like a girl)

Voice:Told ya.

Luigi:That was on purpose.

Voice:Moving on....Luigi has been cheating on Daisy with Rosalina, then finally cheated on her with Lily.

Mario:Nice job cheating on the girls Luigi.

Voice:Ladies and gentlemen, lend me your ears.... he managed to bribe one of the Pretty Cure with mushrooms

All Precures:(Le gasp)

Maya:WHO DID YOU give the shrooms to?

Daisy:Oh God.


Luigi:It was a dare I can explain!

Maya:Luigi, please tell us. It's not like we would shame you or anything.

Luigi:What if I told you it was ....

Emily:(barges in)LILY!

Precure:(Le gasp)

Clara:(dies from shock)

Luigi:It was a mistake!

Voice:He has been dating Dimentio (from Super Paper Mario) for a while now.


Luigi:Quit it, you jerks! Who did this!?

Voice:He also dumps Mario's spaghetti because he hates it. Mwahaha !

Mario:Luigi......YOU SON OF A......

Luigi:Mario pls my brother, I can explain!

Mario:I'm GONNA, get you!(Chases him with a hammer)


Mario:Get over here.

Voice:Know you know Luigi, the mean green machine who cheats on girls, dumps food in the drain and is afraid of boos.

Luigi:You've got this all wrong. Please, can we have a retake?



Voice:Psysche!!! ....... No!

Luigi: I hate this charade you call a show. (Walks out with his overalls ripped by you know who.)

Daisy:Luigi your...


Rosalina:Poor guy......

Voice:See you next time.

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