Know Your all Stars : Cloudine and Jewel

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Voice: Welcome everyone to our first DOUBLE Know Your all Stars segment with me....




Voice :*ahem* as I was saying we have a double header this time cuz trust me doing one for these two Nekos would be super SHORT and I don't want that neither do you so let's get along with this shall we. In today's episode we have two side of the same coin one having positive qualities and one having negative qualities like Natalie and Regina. Both are special in their own way, but they both have thier flaws. Give it up for Cloudine and Jewel !!!


Jewel:(bored) woohoo.

Voice:Hey lighten up. You should be honored to be here.

Jewel:After all the people you embrassed both Mario and Glitter Forces Nope.

Voice:(to you) I have a bad feeling about these two God pls help me.

Ahh I love fourth wall breaking don't you😉.

Cloudine: Yay!

Voice:Ok fine almost forgot were doing stupid stuff . Ok who should I do first you or her?

Erika:Any is fine I guess.

Cloudine: Me.

Voice: Cloudine stole Neptune's favorite line and made it hers.

Neptune:What!? Anyway I dont  mind that. I didn't make the word to be said for on my myself you know.


Voice:Fine. She likes playing Too much.

Cloudine: I don't Rachel teaches Cloudine stuff to be a smart girl!



Voice:(tears up) that was beautiful... ahem. Hmm.... Cloudine likes to lick the Glitter Force anywhere she pleases. If you know what I mean..

All Pretty Cure:(thinks about the act and get a massive nosebleed)

Tsumobi:Ahhhhhhhh! (Explodes)

Hime: I knew Nekos In Anime are always Lewd, but this is off the charts!

Aoi: beats me.

Cloudine: I do that because it's fun nyan! I don't feel bad nya!

Voice:You know you can go to jail for that right?


Voice: I'm telling you then now.

Cloudine: Ok. Mama always told me that you learn new things everyday.

Jewel: Cloudine... I'm sure that not how it works hehe......


Voice: This is retarded. I will and Will HUMILATE YOU WELL!!!!

Jewel: Good Luck then. Cloudine's innocent mind and dense personality allows her not be aroused like the Glitter Force!


Maya:See? Being dense is a good things after alll.

Emily: Yeah true.

Cloudine:Nya! Nya! Nya!

Voice:Stop that.

Cloudine:Stop that.

Voice:Stop that!

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