Dare 5 :Rock,Paper,Scissors!

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Me:Yay fifth dare! Yes.

Mario:What's so special about this.

Me:Nothing. But anyway since we haven't gotten any dares in a while, it's time to play a small game.

Emily:Ohh what game!

Me:Rock, Paper, Scissors Smash edition.

Emily:What's that.

Lily:You play Rock; paper, scissors and whoever wins unleashes their Smash move.

Mario:Oh. Seems simple.

Me:Ok hmm.we will need two teams.
Mario be the leader of team 1 and Lily take over team 2.

Emily:Why not me?

Lily:This is more of a "Lily" thing than a Emily thing.

Emily:That doesn't justify anything!

Lily:Fine. So who doesn't wanna join?

Kelsey :.........

April :.........


Lily:Won't say eh? Ok fine play Rock paper scissors and see who goes out.


Kelsey/April/Chloe/Emily: Rock, paper scissors!!

Kelsey:Tie we all chose Rock.


Emily:It's a tie


April:Rock, paper, scissors! Tie.

Lily:This is hopeless! choose different types for God sake.

Emily:Ok you don't need to panic we find a way outta this.

Kelsey:(Looking at April sexually)


Kelsey/April/Chloe/Emily:Rock paper.....

Kelsey :(Smacks April's Bum)


Kelsey:Oops seems you lost. Scissors beats paper.

April:You cheated!

Kelsey:Couldn't care less.

April:You know if you wanted to touch me you could have said so. Anyway I wanted to play the game too.

Kelsey:Stay behind bars ok?(Winks)


Lily:Don't feel sad. You can always cheer for us.

April:Oh yeah go Glitter Force !

Emily:That's the spirit!

Me:Mario are you done over there.Godammit.

Luigi:Run bitch run!!

Mario:(Shooting Ak47 with bullets everywhere)

Me:Alright,Alright wats going on over here?

Mario:Luigi cheated on the game.

Luigi:I didn't not!

Rosalina:Because of Mario's weight and stupidity we haven't chosen who to disqualify yet.

Me:Just pick someone random! We dont have all day!

Mario:Fine. Peach you're out.

Peach:It's about time. I didn't wanna play anyway.

Mario:We're done!


At a Wrestling ring with a table on the middle of the stage...

Super Mario + Glitter Force:Ask or Dare.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin