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The book that has the same intro as MatPat but isn't made by MatPat.

So what is Book theory you ask? Well do you know Game Theory? It's about the same, except with books. If you don't know Game Theory, search them on youtube, they are amazing.

Here you can expect me to go into the smallest detail of something and make you look at that character SO DIFFERENTLY! Trust me, when it comes to science, I get the highest grades in my class.


Fine...there may be some people who get higher grades than me...
But that's not the point. I will completely destroy those characters with the laws of physics and SCIENCE!

Every single chapter contains spoilers of the book or the character. Also these are just theories and shouldn't/won't be connected to a book unless the author says otherwise. Each of these theories can be wrong as they are only theories, nothing more.

(Also they may be a theory of something I'm sure any person who reads my book will love, but that's when my book is near done.)

Now that we got that all out of the way, let's start The Book Theory.

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