Super Rumble #2: Dark Wonder VS Blue Gravity

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The Secrets Series
The Secrets Series

Location: City Central

Let the fight begin

Dark wonder was running around the city before getting stopped in his tracks by Blue Gravity. Dark wonder starts getting raised in the sky.

"I can fly? I can fly!"

"No I'm just counteracting the planets gravity on you so you float."

"Well can't you let a man dream!"

"Yeah yeah, how about we just get this fight over with?"

Gravity then smashes Wonder into a nearby building before landing on the ground.

"Thanks to 'a source' I have some information on you. I know what you survived and I have an idea on beating you."

Dark wonder used his enhanced abilities and rushed blue gravity with the rod.
"Ha! Funny thing is, I think your source is the same as mine, cuz I got some information on how your abilities work not too long ago."

Blue Gravity gravity manages to block one blow but many others hit him.

"You know gravity, for a hero you kinda lack in the fighting department."

"Well you aren't the only one with super strength."

Blue gravity sends a blow into Dark Wonder's stomach, only to hit his bullet proof vest.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

He started shaking his hand a bit in pain, before switching to flying high.

"Oh no you won't escape me!"

Dark wonder shouted as he super jumps onto a building side and pushing himself up with massive forces. They both are next to each other near the top of the building and that's when Dark Wonder jumped onto Blue Gravity.

"What's up light headed?"

"A plane."

"Wait what."

They both look up and are about to clash into a plane.

"Quickly move out of the way!"

"I'm trying but you're distracting me!"

"Then stop getting distracted!"

"Then stop shouting!"

By the time both the imbeciles stopped screaming like 10 year-olds they land by luck on top of the plane.

"I'm alive? I'm alive!" Dark Wonder then looked to his side and saw how high he is.

"I'm alive but I'm gonna die!" he said it in the same tone he said he was alive a few moments ago.

Blue gravity then rushes Dark Wonder and shoves him off the side of the plane while pushing him down by increasing both of their forces of gravity.

"Gravity you're insane!"

"Actually, I fly you for so this will work fine for me."

They fall fast enough that Dark Wonder's back catches on fire. Blue Gravity then stops himself while transporting all the gravity he applies on himself onto Dark Wonder. Causing Dark Wonder to hit the ground like a meteor.

"This should kill him...hopefully..."

He walks to the crater he caused, and squeezes his eyes to see anything through the smoke.

Dark Wonder walks out of the smoke with a bunch of bruises.

"How did you survive that?!"

"I have no idea!"

Dark Wonder then rushed Blue Gravity and swings his rod at him. But he freezes in his position unable to move.

"You know what, I tried killing you the hard way but I give up."

Slowly the force of gravity weaken on Dark Wonder and he starts going up really quickly, reaching space. Then confetti of blood and body parts fall from the sky as the loss of pressure in space causes one to explode.

Blue Gravity Wins.

Jeremiah was going to beat Lucas in no doubt, all he had to do was cancel gravity on Lucas and Lucas is pretty much helpless. Another way he could of killed Lucas was by making the air particles move away from Lucas by gravity, causing loss of outer pressure on Lucas' body. Lucas was about to win by landing that final hit, if it landed Jeremiah's head would of blown off, as in theory he can hit that strong.

However, when you're stopped every few seconds by some invisible force, and gave nothing out of melee range, you are already marked for a loss. Making Gravity win this by a long shot.

(PS: Yes Lucas would survive such a fall, but he would be seriously wounded. Nothing too bad to immobilize him, and nothing too soft that can be shrugged off either.)

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