1. Lucas Trevor (The Bad Boy's Secret)

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I'm more than happy to have my first theory about one of my favorite books (I'm a big fan Not_Just_Anonymous ). Here we will be looking at one specific moment, when Lucas falls off the building in the fight against Razor Blade (yes I will call him that).

I couldn't get exactly how high is the building, but I found that irrelative as I found another variable I can get estimably, time. Now Lucas Trevor fell and while falling he had a conversation with Kyle (otherwise known as Captain Underpants, and yes that is actually what he is called that chapter). I replicated this exact conversation with a friend of mine, once saying it as fast as possible, other saying it with the same tone and pace Lucas and Kyle had it. The fast one was about 4 seconds, while the other one was estimably 10 seconds.

Now of we use the fact the the acceleration of falling in the gravity of the earth is 10 meter per second square, the 4 seconds would be the speed 100 m/s before reaching the ground, but that's give the fact we said it as fast as possible when we memorized the lines. The 10 seconds would be 550 m/s before reaching the ground, and that is when we used the same tone and pace they talked with, as humans take a good few milliseconds to process what was said to them and reply. Those milliseconds can be ignored for Lucas, but not Kyle, as Kyle has no powers when Lucas has super fast reaction time.

Just so you know those 100 m/s is just me being simply nice towards him, because even in that speed there was no humanly possible way he survived the fall, I'll have you know that 100 m/s is just under half the speed of the fastest car yet, when the 550 m/s is over the DOUBLE of the fastest car yet.
I don't care how strong you are, there is no logical way you could survive that with just a cat landing. His bones should of shattered completely and not to mention all of the landing force is being sent to him, as the pavement he landed on was unscathed. He fell in such a fast speed and without even a bruise on the palm of his hand.

Now let's say it's because of his powers, at this point of the story his powers were still developing. I asked the author how long was this after he got his powers, and you'll be surprised, only 2 months.

"With great power, comes great responsibility." -Spiderman
And heck right it's true, this amount of power is unbelievable and shouldn't be taken slightly. The scene at the end of the book when he punches the ground to cause the floor to shake against Yin-Yang proves that he knows how strong he is, because if he didn't he would of caused the whole building to fall on his head. That's assuming his powers has developed one bit from when he fell, because surviving that unscathed needs almost the same amount of muscle power to do that ground smash move. Guess what though, we can safely assume that the time lapse between those 2 incidents is 6 months, as one is at the start the other at the end of the book. So his powers should be 3 times stronger than before. He could of actually caused a small earthquake the tore down the street that building was in.

Lucas knows his own powers, and oh boy is he strong as heck. There maybe a slight chance there's a character in the book that only he can defeat Lucas. I'm talking about Blue Gravity, but that will be left until I do a theory about him then we see who would win, in a fight to the death.

Theory end.

WOOO! First theory and I've been wanting to do this for so long. So what do you think? If I were you I wouldn't make Lucas angry, this made me fear him. But man didn't I enjoy making this, especially going into the science and all that wasn't that boring like the one school forces you to do.

Such a great start to this book and I hope you all enjoyed and have a fortunate day, now see you AT THE NEXT THEORY!!

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