Super Rumble

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Are you ready to rumble!!!

Here we will start something new. Any character I theorized before will be put in a fight against another character. Where I will study both sides and their capabilities as well as their weapons (if they have any) then write a 1 vs 1 fight. I'll try to make the fight as accurate as possible but it won't always be completely accurate (After all these aren't my characters so I can't be perfectly aware of their responses). However the personality, powers and experience in fighting will be the factors affecting who wins.

The fight may not be accurate, but whoever wins will have the reason behind their winning after the fight. Whoever wins is put in mind before the fight and without me being biased towards any side, the fight is then done as accurate as I can, so if the fight seems like a character could of done something but they didn't, it's my fault and I'm sorry.

All characters are to their respective owners, and their books will be mentioned.

Now that we got all of that away, tell me who do you want to see, fight who. Also they can be from the same franchise.

Write it here.

And finally, I'll have multiple domains that I'll place right here:
1. Amazon Forest
2. Metal Conjunction
3. White Zone (a place that only has a floor and can be modified by only any super who has powers that modify surroundings)
4. Soft Sand Beach
5. City Central
6. Mt. Hot Head
7. Ice Desert
8. Nuts & Nails Junkyard
9. Sewer Maze
10. Sky Island

And now, upcoming fights!

Suggest some characters! Most wanted will be selected.

Also guys, vote for the landscape you want each fight to be in. Every landscape will allow for more possibilities and can turn around a whole fight. If I pick one by my own I feel like I'm being biased and unfair, so please do vote or I'll have to put most the fights in the White Zone.

See you next time! And wish you a fortunate time,

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