Super Rumblr #1: Flaming Spark vs Dark Static

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Big City Trilogy
No Capes

Fight Area: White Zone

Let the fight begin.

Two heroes appear in a completely empty area, where nothing exists except them and what will remain after their fight.

"So you're the kid I'm placed against?" Flaming Spark comments as both him and Dark Static enter the battlefield.

"I could be called a kid, but at least I know how to fight, grandpa." Dark static fires back as bot get ready to start.

"You're calling me grandpa? What am I sixty-two? Also, even if I was, did nobody tell you to respect your elders?" Flaming spark summons fireballs and launches them at Dark Static.

"Well sorry granddad, didn't know age was a sensitive topic." Dark Static in return launches into the air dodging all the fire. Rapidly sending an electric shockwave towards Flaming Spark shortly after.

The wave left dust particles roaming on the air as Flaming Spark walked out of the dusty cloud. Unscathed by the electricity, he simply brushes his shoulders from all the dirt it caught.

"Not bad, this would have knocked me out. If I didn't actually have shock absorption." With the energy he got Flaming Spark rockets towards Dark Static engaging them both in a fist fight.

Both sides start landing their punches and kicks, with Dark Static being at a disadvantage. Realizing that Flaming Spark will eventually defeat him at this rate, he uses both his feet to push Spark back.

"You're pretty tough for an old man. Maybe you'll keep up a fight unlike those excuses for supers I caught." Dark Static commented before shooting his bright red lasers at Flaming Spark.

"So you thought I'll go down easily?"  Flaming Spark flies around dodging the laser, "Well that just disappoints me that you assumed such a thing." Spark then creates an ice wall, causing the laser to refract and point upwards. The wall eventually melts after some time, tiring statics laser powers for a few moments.

"For a second I didn't think you were as chill as lead to believe." Static pants before sending a shockwave explosions towards Spark.

"Oh I hate the cold in all it's forms, cold feat, cold shoulder and even freeze burns, but I just happen to be able to use it." Spark replies as he relocates the explosions away from him. "We'll end up in a stalemate if you only use that. I control it too, so try to think of something else."

Static then panics, realizing that all of his powers are countered by Sparks powers. In this panicked state he goes all out with his laser and electricity, turning the area into a bullet hell.

Spark dodges and absorbs the incoming attacks before reaching Static and trapping him in an ice skating. "Now freeze."

The ice skating starts to crack as an explosion happens shattering the ice but also leaving dust trails all around Static. "Where the bloody hell did that bastard go..."

"Not far, but you really should wash that mouth of you." Before he knows it, Flaming Spark grabs Dark Static from his face as muffling screams start are starting to escape.

The screams rapidly gets louder as the fire from Spark's hand increase in temperature. They eventually stop and Spark let's go of the skull that used to be Dark Statics face.

Flaming Spark looks at his bloodied hand before starting to get dizzy and walk away slowly. "God do I hate being forced to fight..."

Flaming Spark Wins.

Hello guys, as you see I have rewritten this chapter and for many reasons.

1. Coal got new powers, and also the new chapters let us understand him more in the third book (which were taken down for rewriting purposes.

2. When I wrote this the first time, I placed both characters in their full personalities, which I can't do anymore. Only some aspects will be kept, like how cocky they are, if they're arrogant or not and if they can understand the battlefield to know what they could do next. The part of their personality which is against fighting will from now on not affect them during fighting.

All fights will have both characters going in ready for a fight to the death with the complete intentions of killing their opponent:

All these is changes are what made Flaming Spark win after the rewrite, but yeah I promised to rewrite it and here it is.

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