14. Hisato (Dare to Die)

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Swings door open

Guess who's back!
Back again!
It's this trash can!
With brains inside!

Ok so first update in a while, let's see what I've got...

Well for one a lot of unusable notes I need to work on, and a lot of suggestion that I have to do.

Oh boy I got a loooot to do.

Well I'll just make a quick one- Author who didn't update in 20 years makes a new book


Book has dark plots and humor


Book updates frequently


Book isn't getting enough attention.

. . .
It's time I fix that.

SOOO a brief rundown as I believe non of who reads this (except that author) might know this book. Dare to Die is a dark plotted super book switching between perspectives of 2 characters, a boy named Hisato and a girl named Frey. Both characters have a unique storyline, taking place in different settings and so far the only related things between them is having the same power. Immortality.

This kind of immortality however is not the kind of supermen or Mr Manhattan, but more on the lines of Deadpool and Wolverine, intense heal factor.

So I thought this'll be simple and went to explain all about it.

These heal factors really depend on stem cells and their supernatural ability to differentiate into any kind of cells available. Unlike the super before who had a slight regenerative ability to counteract the downsides of their abilities. Those kind of supers wouldn't manage to heal an entire arm or even an eye.

But the likes of Deadpool and well Hisato now can regenerate even nerve cells!

Seems correct, handy dandy, perfect and fully plausible. But of course there is a tiny teeny little issue.

Spoiler, Hisato got shot. Straight in the HEAD!

So you may ask, "What's the issue oh wise one?"
And I'll reply, "I'm not wise, I just know how to explain dumb things as if I understand it."


Memories are stored as electrical impulses in the brain, they are not a recoverable tissue. So how the bloody hell did he get his memories back?! I've spent time wondering and trying to understand how can he revive memories that way, until I remembered. The brain isn't the only organ capable of remembering stuff.

I present to you, our immunity system! With our star guest, white blood cells.
As all of you may know, chicken pox is a disease that SUUCKS. However, people only get infected with it once, and never again. Why is that?

Well due to a little thing called memory cells, white blood cells capable of creating data on every bacteria that entered your body and how to destroy it. Of course it won't actually be in the blood, or else the blood will be so thick. He would be in a continuous state of endless pain and tiredness.

So now he needs an entirely new system, one where he could keep this data. Since these are supers, their body structures are different yet similar, so it can't be some kind of alien system.

Thankfully it doesn't.

I originally thought with some help of course of a secondary stream that contains these memory cells, but I found that this stream is too large to fit into the body and would cause many problems for him if he would ever get injected into it with vaccines or medicines, and it would give away his identity if blood tests were to enter a wrong stream and a white liquid would come pouring out. So I head to scratch off that idea.

Then I remembered our own nervous system.

A secondary nervous capable of copying those memories and run it across different parts of the body allows him so save those memories away from the brain.

This nervous system won't be able to control how he moves or interact with objects, but instead allow him to have a carefully knitted network of nerves holding his memories and capable of copying and transporting them to safe positions where they won't be lost.

However, hee must have main centers where memories recollect other then head as to have a main drive to hold the info while a copy is moving in said system. This allows him to regain memories right away first time his brain is damaged heavily, but if it happens a second time right away, the main centers will need time to transport another copy of those memories. These main centers however cannot be mini brains, or else it'll be way too vital and cause issues with the main brain, as the body won't be able to identify which is which. And this part my friends, is where we return the whites blood cells.

These cells that are capable of living for years can be the storage system he needs, they're easy to create and get rid of, and live up to years. They'd take less energy to maintain and would be a perfect candidate to what he needs.

This kind of system is logical enough to work as intended, and obscure enough to be superhuman, but it has only one downside. The chance of memory disorder or multiple personalities formations.

You see this system affects his memories and maybe even his core personality traits. Meaning any possible changes can be catastrophic to Hisato. And considering this system runs across his body and person, if he gets electrocuted, considering he won't die if it's strong. It can still mess with the electrical impulses of the second system, altering memories, erasing some or even making entire different personalities.

As useful as this can be, I do believe it is possible that an interaction with an electric super. Could cause Hisato, to go insane. And well, no shock therapy will be able to fix him. It might even make it worse.

Now that's a good theory feeling I didn't get in a long time.


YEAH FINALLY, it feels good to write one of these. But first I need to thank some people:
doctor_SHIELD for giving me the push I needed to get my shit together and finally chose what I'll do with my books.
Magical_bookz for setting me on the right direction I needed and making me able to update this book and O:D
And finally, _givemecaffeine the creator of the book Do or Die that completely amazed me and for giving me the idea of white blood cells.

Anyway, it's been a while since I said this...

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