10. No Capes' Plague

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*Throws away all gas masks and blows up his bunker*

This plague is one we will survive. Follow me, if you want to live.

*Applies sunscreen and sits in his backyard looking like a complete doofus*

Going at it again with another No Capes theory, joecool123 might appear to have a little more in their book than I thought. Anyway, I'm going to answer 2 of the biggest questions here, starting with how they get their powers.

I never really understood how characters in No Capes got their powers, I mean the whole "They need to hit a hard part in their lives." I get, I just don't get why only those people got it. However, I find out how, and all thanks to one simple thing. Hyperion Gold's weakness. Yes the kryptonite-like weakness of this hero, is actually the answer to it all.

Now I wondered why is it gold that hurts him, why not something like aluminum, platinum or even copper, what does gold have, that others don't. I found one, small, simple, but biologically and medically revolutionary thing. Gold is used to cure many diseases, including skin cancer. Now why did I exactly mention skin cancer? Because the way gold actually cures it, it attracts the cancerous cells to its particles, where it then gets hit with a small laser killing it. Trust me I'm not making this up, it's actually true, I know because the scientist who found this way is Egyptian like me!

Anyway, why does the fact that gold cures diseases and attracts cancer matter? That's because if a material like gold harms a hero by just being near it, doesn't that mean that it's killing the hero's cells? I mean it turns him powerless for the while that his power cells need to regenerate, so it must be reacting like a disease. Which means that his powers got to him by a disease, a disease that is stronger when someone is traumatized or going through a really extreme state in their life. I don't exactly know what comes out during those moments, but due to these moments having the body shaking, trembling and in some cases hurting it's user, then our body must be producing something that feeds that disease. I mean the disease doesn't work on people who never have those moments in life, because whatever the body produces is not produced enough to let the disease overpower the body's immune system.

I mean it also makes sense about the super test they take, because the disease would be affected by the chemicals they take differently whether who takes it is actually infected or not. That's why it isn't genes, and why it doesn't happen at random, yet there's is also one more thing. This is really contagious, because let's all take a moment here, just how many supers are there in their city? Yeah, a butt load. That is also just one city, this disease can make a country have population of thousands of supers. Before you tell me, what about the cities that have no supers? The key word is no supers meaning those areas have none, and let me tell you the conditions this disease needs to be activate is everywhere, so having none means that there is no disease in that area, proving my point more. Actually, this also explains why they don't do a blood test, because the disease is there, just not active. It's a full on plague.

And all of that from a character who made a speech with nacho cheese on his suit.

Theory end.

I am just amazed. The conditions lined in way too perfectly if I'm honest. This was suppose to be a mini theory, but it turned out to be a full on theory.

Now to the overused line, that using the "this is overused" joke that I put at the end of every chapter, TO THE NEXT THEORY!!!

Book TheoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora