15. Pheonix Anderson (The League)

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Rolls in with tin foil on his head.

I won't be brainwashed today...

Phoenix Anderson is a super in Kelsea_Dove 's wonderful book "The League" while I am not all the way through with reading it, I can tell you that through only the first chapter, I have enough materials to work with. As he seems to use all his main abilities and specifically the hardest one I had to explain, his kind control ability. I'll keep it for last though. (If any Powers appear while I continue reading the book I will come back and add explanations.)

So first, my worst enemy, telekinesis. This ability is so fictional, it should just be magic if I'm honest. Despite its simple premise, trying to explain this is such a pain in the ass. I had my own takes on this ability before but with Phoenix I have to get creative.

The concept of telekinesis is the ability to move objects around as you please, using only your brain. So we already can guess, the brain must be emitting something for this to work. What it emits however, is where things get a bit hard. Before with anti gravity heroes I spoke about magnetic fields. Using repulsion and attraction of charged materials to do so. What I didn't take to mind however, was how strongly charged other objects have to be, that they can outright electrocute you within contact. Causing that entire explanation to be debunked.

So I present a different kind of explanation, Gravitational waves. To put this as simple as I possibly can, imagine a giant floating sheet that represents space. Now place a ball at one spot of that sheet. The sheet would bend downwards from the weight of the ball and anything that moves in a straight line entering that bend, would instead be circling around the ball.
Objects with mass and spinning like for example our sun, would cause a bend in the fabric of space, forming a gravitational field. And this applies to ANYTHING that has mass and spins either around other objects, or itself. In fact if me and you guys stood up and started running around each other we would form one, however it would be so week, it practically doesn't exist. So the world rules we look for is a huge amount of mass. For the spinning part, it really helps in messing with he space fabric, causing more bending, but it is not essential.

So now, how would Phoenix do such a thing? I mean we need massive amounts of mass, masses so big, it needs to have a way bigger ratio than the mass of a water droplet, to your own mass. As the water droplet would stick to you from the gravity you cause, but it inevitably falls as gravity of earth itself is stronger. So to make the chair move in the way it did he needs to cause a bend in space using extreme amounts of mass, and as it is not something visible, it also has to be with such a small volume, causing an outrageously large density value. Keep in mind that these bends in space, cause there to be MORE SPACE in a specific area, causing a balancing out change of density where the area around the object is less dense.

And that last piece of info helps me to explain telekinesis as a concept. Where if he concentrates well, he can form bends in space around the chair, causing the chairs density to decrease and a specific controlled area around it to be with large amounts of mass and of course a large density. Altering specific areas to be more dense and move the object at will. Of course that's just the concept of how  it could work, but not how he would control it. Which takes me to the lovely world of, Radiation.

Radiation has been the one thing capable of saving me so many times, due to how simple and versatile it can be, and this is one example of so. We already established that Pheonix has to be emitting something for telekinetic control to work, after all it cant just be out of no where like magic. So what if he emits radioactive waves and particles. Specifically in this case, and only this case, could I explain him how he would use all three types (Gamma, Alpha and Beta) in a reasonable way that makes sense to me.

First of all, for those of you who took atomic physics you know how weak the penetration power of alpha is, and that beta is only just slightly stronger, while gamma is extremely powerful. All 3 of these have different properties but what we what to concentrate on, is their charges. Gamma is neutral as it contains absolutely no charge due to it's nature of being a wave, Alpha is a positive charge, resembling a Helium atom, and beta is a negative charge, resembling a singular electron.

Gamma wouldn't be able to wield any kind of atoms together due to the lack of charge but it's important, back to it later. With the case of alpha and beta, they have opposite charges, meaning they can attract each other, but there's a slight issue with both of them. Their penetration power is far too weak to cause any of the actual things we see, hence why Gamma is here. While gamma won't effect the charges, it can act as a vessel to transport these particles. And unlike needing to charge objects to dangerous points of electricity, they weird atoms together tightly and form the dense atmospheres needed for telekinetic control to work.

Now that the annoying part is gone, time to get to the fun one. Mind control, as far as I'm considered, we don't have to worry about mind reading, as for as far as I read Phoenix has only altered memories and made his targets forget others. When mind reading would be very helpful, it is not necessarily needed. As all he needs is the same radiation trick as before.

This time around however, rather than wanting large strong amounts to cause bending of the space-time continuum, we need a concentrated amount able to pin point electrical impulses in the brain, specifically where memories are stored and use only the charges of the atoms to extract and alter them. In all cases Alpha and Gamma will be present, but Beta depending on what he wants to do. If he wishes to outright erase them, Alpha is capable enough to remove the charges and turn to normal Helium atoms. But altering memories will need both Alpha and Beta, so that he can change the pattern of the impulses to mean completely something else or adding more fake info needing Beta. Gamma is present in all as a vessel of transportation to penetrate through the skin, flesh, skull and even brain tissue. Allowing Phoenix to do everything we see him do.

Bonus: I do realize that he does tell the person exactly what to do, but facts are if the person even comprehends what he says, he'll have to remember that conversation even if Phoenix says to forget it and he does forget it, then the victim wouldn't be able to recall any of the fake story. It simply wouldn't work other than just a kind of mumble up help Phoenix concentrate on what he wants the person to do. Other than that, feel free to try and solve that paradox I just said lol.

Finally done with another chapter, anyway lads, keep in mind that the next book theory chapter will be a double one. A normal theory and and a super rumble, so please go back to the start of the book and suggest some characters. (Preferably ones I covered or from my book, but anything works as long as you tell me the book.) Do remember that when I do update it and pick who will fight, I need a bite on the location they fight in. Hopefully it won't be boring. However I think you know what's next...

Ah shit, here we go again, TO THE NEXT THEORY!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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