12. Trace Van (SeaSide SuperHumans)

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Meteor is skating around

"What a beautiful day to skate! No villains, no fights, no whining sisters, just me and the outside breeze."

A spike is thrown into a wall next to him and he trips onto the pavement


"Just when I thought I had a peaceful day for once. Oh well, THEORY TIME!"


Trace Van is a superhero known as Razor made by CarterRayHydra which I appear to have many theories ready for his upcoming characters as he loves to ask me how their powers would work before showing them to the public. The best thing about Razor is that he is pretty similar to a super I had in mind so how his powers would work was ready WAAAAAAY before he even appeared.

Razor has the ability to sheathe and unsheathe metal spikes from his body, and also shoot them like we saw in his first chapters. Now these powers will grantee cause damage to his tissue, but to fix that he has to have a heal factor to regenerate the lost cells. Now that we established his powers let's explain them.

Heal factor is a fasten tissue repair process, unlike enhanced speed or other stuff like that, heal factor does need so much more energy than normal. It only just does it faster, which may cause him to be hungry if he keeps sheathing and unsheathing his spikes repeatedly. Heal factors are rather simple and easy, and due to this, injuries won't kill him nor disappear too quickly as it's a weak healing factor, the type to just cancel the huge downside of his spikes.

"*wakes up* Huh? Oh- yeah- um, HEAL FACTORS! I WAS TOTALLY CONCENTRAITING!" -Meteor

You know even though it's a simple and easy to explain power, it's very vital.

"Still pretty boring, let's get to the juicy and exciting stuff!"

Fine, fine, now to his spikes! Metal spikes in his body? Seems impossible, but I have the expla-

"You explained it in the Charlie chapter before, he uses iron that he gets from food and makes whatever iron stuff under his skin. In this case iron spikes, we know that."

Dude, you just stole the whole theory from me.

"Really? If so then you will have to force something into here fortunate, this chapter is way too small to end now. I mean, I haven't even said a joke yet!"


So, to counteract rust for the spikes that he does pull out and in like hand to hand combat weapons, there will be a time every few months (maybe about 3 to 4) where he will have to shed it off. The process is automatic and the moment he does shed it off, the new spikes will start to grow.

The growing of the spikes will take a good 2 weeks to a month to finish, leaving him almost powerless in that time. Also no slowing him to pull the spikes that have rusted back due to the growing of the new spikes.

"At least of he gets attacked in that time, we'll know he rusts in peace."

Meteor...just please-

"Continue being awesome. On it fortunate."


For his throwing spikes, he has a very limited number of them. Iron is not to be used up all on the spikes, because the red blood cells need them. He would have as many ready shots as he wants up to 6 spikes that are 20 cm long and 2 cm wide in both his arms, meaning 12 shots he can shoot. The regaining of a spike if it's lost and not placed back is 4 days. If the shots ever rust he can place them in carbonated drinks, like coke, to have a displacement reactions that will take the rust from the iron. These reactions take one whole day, being the cheapest most efficient way for him.

That will not work with the normal spikes as they will be large and in huge numbers, and unsheathing them after they pop out is like trying to put a fallen tooth back in its place.

"Hopefully he doesn't shed the spikes in a party, or else we'll know who spiked the fruit punch!"


Theory End.

Hey guys! I'd like to say that now there will be a completely new way on how I'll approach Super Rumble, the next upcoming fights who'll always be updated in order of them coming out and you'll vote on the battlefield each one takes part in too! The third fight will sometimes be me picking one super and you guys picking the other, after each fight I'll update the list so you know what's coming next. On a side note I'll rewrite the Spark vs Static fight because 1. New ice powers. 2. I feel it was poorly written.

Hope your excited for how this'll go and as always, TO THE NEXT THEORY!!

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