5. Coal Black (Big City Hero)

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Note how this says "Hero" instead of "Villain" like the last one. That's because this is made after I read both books. While the last one was made after I read the first one only. There may be a third one, but that's long after Big City Trouble is over and may not even exist. Don't worry though, there are still lots of supers I have to go through, how Ben's laser works, Charlie's magnetism and loads more. I wont he able to explain each and every single hero, but I'll be at least able to make a theory about each one.

For starters this may be small, as it only has minor tweaks to the last one, yet I don't want to fully change the last one as it is just a theory so it can be wrong or right.

His flight, invisibility and enhanced hearing haven't changed, but what have is his shock absorption and fire. His fire only needs to be changed to where, instead of a electrical nerve charge, it's the fuel that his body has is what lights the flame. However, it's only 185°F and if switched to Celsius, it becomes 458°C (just add 273). Which is no where near the melting point of iron. However since the author did say he can melt iron quickly, then the heat must stack by time, otherwise his heat resistance would be much weaker and will by no means withstand lava.

Now his shock absorption, I forgot in the last theory the fact that he can also absorb other peoples shock. My best explication, is that he uses the same process as the charger ability to stiffen others skin for some time so he can absorb it. Yet he is able to do it by far, which doesn't make sense. If he does touch his target then that helps, but by far seems almost impossible. Yet I got an explanation. The only way to do such thing, is by using minor weak radioactive waves that he can control. Which kind of waves exactly? Gamma rays. As to be able to make everyone in a building absorb the shock of an explosion Alpha and Beta was by no means going to reach everyone. Gamma is the only viable option, despite that, it is in very little amounts so it doesn't cause mutation. Also, Coal doesn't get charge from this because the energy instantly leaves because of the charger ability. Other than that I still find my theory very viable and sensible, yet only time will reveal more.

Theory End.

Good rerun isn't it? Until the third book is over, I have a magnet I need to solve their powers.

Like always, TO THE NEXT THEORY!

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