Mini Theory. Energy Out Burst

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I know that I said I will do a no capes one, but I'm currently not in my usual reading mood. If I am not in it I can concentrate, if I can't concentrate I can't make great theories with reasoning behind it. So I'm really sorry but any actual big theory will be pushed for a while. I have other books that are starting to lack any of my attention since I used all my attention in the past era of time on this book. Updates will be less frequent and depending on my mood, you can never do anything on a bad mood.

Throws that chitty chatter out the window

Now let's get to the theory.

As we all know one of the most used powers are enhanced abilities, they are convenient, balanced and simple. I never really cared about them, but something struck me. How much energy does it use? Some people think that it uses the same amount as if you would normally punch someone, but this is not the case. This needs you to try and keep up with me, so remember everything.

Lets say, this punch will be measured in Newtons since your using a force to do the punch, Force is Mass * Accelaration. Now you don't just use force to punch you actually use Work, work is Force * Distance which is measured in Joules. We need work because a punch is an impact power, let's say the we treat impact power as power, Power is Work/Time. So ultimately we need the distance of when he moved his fist, the mass of their arm and the time he took for so. We need to measure his velocity at the start and end of the punch then subtract it (which will be the second velocity - 0 since let's say they didn't move their arm before it) then divide it by time taken for the punch to hit the person right in the face. Then we need to take the same distance we used before and multiply it with the results then divide the results with the time we used in the start AND BAM you get the power they exerted. But we don't want the power, we want the energy they did. Well, what's power then? The rate of which energy is being transmitted. So depending on the work he did per the time (let's say in seconds) for the punch to reach his face we can get the energy caused. Yet enhanced abilities allow you to move at very high speeds, meaning that the same punch we just did could of happened in simply nanoseconds. Which means that his work if divided by seconds it will ultimately be MUCH MORE POWER. This punch will at least take 100 times more energy if you do it for a second long. However, the punch itself isn't just what matters, but the contact area. You do cause pressure, and pressure is what hurts in a punch. Pressure can make 3000 Newtons act like a slight push, and 1 Newton knock you onto the ground with probably a broken jaw (That if it doesn't break from your current jaw drop.). Pressure is Force/Area so that is there as well.

All of that is just what a punch is like, we didn't to into the energy taken to make that punch. Now energy has many forms, Kinetic, Potential, Sound, Eletrical, etc... But we need only Chemical and Kinetic. Chemical is the energy stored in the body through respiration and for the punch it turns to kinetic (but not completely as very few escape as other forms in other ways before he even punches.) You're practically transferring energy into their bodies through your fist. ( also a good comeback when you want to punch a yoga instructor). This energy is "movement energy", therefore kinetic energy. Kinetic energy has 2 main ingredients : Mass and speed , only that the speed matters more and is therefore squared ( speed * speed). Energy = 1/2 * Mass *V*V (V for velocity).

Now let's say since enhanced abilities make you move faster and this super really wants to hurt someone, we can say he did that hit in 1x10^-9 second (a nano second) and the distance between their fist and the opponent face is roughly 30 centimeter. With also the mass being the breathe weight of the fist, 406 grams, which we switch to kilo gram. Making the equation:

1/2*0.406*[2*(30/0.000000001)]= 1.218x10^10

A.K.A 121800000000 Joules of Kinetic energy. Which leads it to be 121800000000 Joules of Chemical energy.

That's only just a punch. Now imagine actively running in gigantic speeds with speed supers. The distance they cover in such little time, which in most cases is a bunch of kilometers. Let's say 4 kilometers, which is 4000 meters that is 400000 centimeters making the kinetic energy equal too: 1.624x10^14, A.K.A. 162400000000000 Joules of kinetic energy which was chemical energy.

This huge amount of chemical energy is so huge it will be stored as fats. 1 Fats are 9 calories (the small ones not the kilocalories). Now that means that 1,000 fats are 9 kilocalories (which is the normal calorie for us), a Kilocalorie is 4.184 Kilojoules. Now a kilojoule is 1000 joules, so 1.624x10^14/1000 is 1.624x10^11, now 1.624x10^11/4.184= 3.881453155x10^10 which is 38814531550 kilocalorie. Fats chemical energy is 37 kcal/g making the amount of grams of fat in their body 104941.393 kg of fats.

This amount of fat is so high this person will die from coronary diseases before they reach 1/10000 of that amount. These supers shouldn't even exist.

Theory end.

Let's just say that the outcome of the research wasn't what I expected at all. Just wow.

Like always, TO THE NEXT THEORY!

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