9. Spencer Bark (On Thin Ice)

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Freeze! Where do you think you're going?

To the ice cream shop.

Don't waste your time, I have a better idea.

What is it spencer?

I like to call it, brain freeze.

What is tha- oh your going to freeze me. Well why did I forget that you're a villa-

Now excuse me, as I'll be giving this theory as this trash can here melts later. By giving a theory I mean reading his notes out loud and act like I understand his very ugly handwriting and long sciency words. Just one second.

*Cough Cough*

Much better, now back to the notes.

So blah blah blah, long intro after what is suppose to be the joke, I'm just going to say the important parts in it. The very handsome and amazing villain, Whiteout, otherwise known as me, Spencer Bark, is made by CarterRayHydra in the book A Heavy Fog. Go read it, I promise you that all the action that Anthony fails to give I'm filling up perfectly.

Soo, yes I froze Fortunate over there, and yes I'm taking over this chapter, because the following; Fortunate will probably give away my weakness, and he is starting to really get into this theory thing. If someone I hate reads this, I'm dead. Anyway let's go in.

So if any of you saw me in action, you'd know that I have the rare ability of controlling temperature, lowering it to form ice. I can lower it so much to cause metals to crystallize and shatter! And also ice skate around, the most fun transporting way ever. Now, according to Fortunate's notes, I am actually on fire in the inside, as for me to cause these inhumanly cold temperature drops, the energy has to move to me. Just proving the point that I'm more hot than cold, guess that's why I give people cold feet. So by the process of taking energy to cause even air around me to freeze solid, I'm trapping in heat inside of me that should cause my blood to boil. Still it won't boil as much as Hot Air's will in future chapters, maybe, Carter knows not me. However, given that I also cause ice to melt as fast as I create it, he went to the conclusion that I trap heat around what I want to freeze, so I'm not a walking sack of evaporated blood in a meat balloon. Is that really what you came up with Fortunate?

Anyway, given the fact that this is how it theoretically works, I should also be able to control hot temperatures, but only when I'm freezing something else. Talk about a different case of frost burn. You all should thank me, because I just simplified some really hard words that he would have said if I didn't take over. My explanation is much much more simpler and easier. Yet I'm so ready to actually see if what he wrote is true.

Turns out he also didn't find any weakness worth noting, other than that I'm vulnerable to extreme weather changes while using my powers. So unless some rare power super comes along, and starts making me overuse my powers falsely by constantly changing what I do, I'm gonna be A-OK. Now goodbye as I run before fortunate melts.

Theory End.

Hope I nailed the spencer act, cuz I really like the story so far, I love it. Anyway, like every upcoming chapter, the card you all memorized by now, TO THE NEXT THEORY!!!

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