~First Day | Peter

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I'm thinking of making some of these imagines connected so when you see ~ on a chapter it will be linked to New Friend, my first imagine. Also Flash looks like Stan in 17 again or just picture Jake Paul but different.

Word count: 1058

Oh no. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you slipped on your jeans and a pair of socks. You were moving to a different school, because your sister got a new job in Queens. You guys had to move, so that meant not seeing Deadpool as often. Well, you had his number, so the two of you could still get in contact. You told him you were moving, and he said that it was good since he lived quite near Queens as well. (Omfg I'm in Australia and it's hard to pick a location in America)

You were moving to Midtown High, which your mom said was the best school in Queens. Of course school is never going to be the best but at least she tried to make you feel comfortable.
You catched the bus like always, you were used to the feeling of being watched. (Ya know)

But today you caught a new starer.

As you stood on the bus, earphones in, music not too loud, your eyes landed on a boy your age, staring straight at you. You blushed, noticing how freaking adorable he looked. His chocolate puppy eyes locked on yours for a moment then looked away,His Ears going red.

He's cute, you thought. I wonder if he goes to Midtown as well.

The bus pulled up at the next stop. You squeezed yourself through all the people, struggling through the door. "S-s-sorry sir" said someone behind you.

You whip around to see that same boy, and without stopping, you walked straight ahead, avoiding an awkward moment.

You felt his eyes watch you as you walked. Ugh this cutie, he won't stop staring at me. Does he think I'm attractive or what?

Finally, you entered the school gates, speedwalking across the oval (there was an oval in front of the school in SM HoCO)

You just made it, and so did that boy. You turn back to look at him. He started walking across the road when a silver Audi comes speeding down. You gasp, but luckily starer boy was quick to get across.

A blonde kid sat in the driver's seat, laughing. "Wassup Penis Parker!"

Did he just say, 'Penis'?

Again the boy made eye contact with you as he walked up the stairs. You looked down at your feet, you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks.

You walked behind, entering the school. Boy how you wished Deadpool was here with you.

Students bustled around, it was a lot crowded than you thought it would be. You looked for your locker, 1187. You turned a corner eyeing the numbers. 1182, 1183, 118- you froze, realizing starer boy was TWO LOCKERS AWAY FROM YOU! (1184 was actually Peter's locker number in SM hoco)

You walked past him to your locker. Your hands were sweaty, and you fumbled with the locker so much. You turned in the code and quickly stuffed your books inside. In the corner of your eye you see a fairly large kid walk up behind the boy.

"Hey Peter! Wanna finish the Lego rocketship? The one we didn't complete in grade 7?"

"Uh-uh yeah sure"

"Haha great. You wanna come over to my place today?"

"Well you know Ned i got the Stark Internship"

Stark Internship?? Is he talking about Iron Man?

"Yeah yeah i know. How about on Friday and my mum can pick us up from school-"

As Ned dude continued to blabber on Peter looked to your side, there was just this lil' sparkle in his eyes that made you feel like jelly. Oh he's so dreamy......

You closed your locker. Mathematics.

Man, she's just so beautiful. I stared at her Y/H/C hair as she continues to write notes in her book. Her name was Y/N, her name just suited her so much.

My chin rested on my palm, just staring.

"Peter, mind answering this question for us?" Said the teacher.

Uh oh. The whole class looks at me.

"Uh..the answer is 3 1/5"

"Very good Peter. May have to focus more on the board than looking at girls"

"OooOooOooh!" Says the class in unison as I go beet red.

Y/N turns around to look at me, and blushes a bit. She knows i was looking at her!

"Oooh Parker" says Flash, that annoying little doof who tried to hit me with his car.

I rest my hands in my arms, waiting for the lesson to just END!

Reader POV
You walk in line to get served your lunch. You were given a serve of mash potato, a burger patty, a carton of milk and a small cup of ice-cream. (I normally have a sandwich lol)

Throughout the classes Peter had been sharing looks with you and now you were feeling quite dazed of the fact that you had a sort-of-secret admirer.

You looked around for a seat, but there were tables full and you didn't think anyone wanted to be your friend. You glanced at Peter and Ned's table, but you were not taking the risk at embarrassing yourself again. Your eyes travelled to two girls. They seemed alright.

You walk over to say hi to them. "Hey....um...can i sit with you guys?"
"Omg yeah sure" A girl with vibrant red hair smiled as you took a seat next to her.

"You new here? Well of course you are I've never seen you before. Haha! The name's Hilary. And that's Diana" she babbled. She seems fun.

Diana sat opposite of you. She had wavy dark oak hair and a heart shaped face. She wore no makeup, but still looked beautiful. "Hey" she said.

"What's Your name?" Hilary asks, sipping on a juice box.

"Y/N" you reply. These girls seemed alright and you were happy that you could find a seat in the cafeteria.

At the end of the day, you made two best friends, found a new crush, and found a few enemies. Flash, to say the least.

Now it was time for your fave part of the day, Hanging out with your mate Deadpool.

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