Red-Blooded | Peter

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Right so a bit different and sad might make a part 2 idk

Word count: 1164

So in this the reader was part of the red room program where they trained young girls to be super skilled assassins and I think, if I'm right, (remember no wifi) that they also performed surgery on all the kids so that they were unable to have babies. So u haven't told anyone except ur friend and ur going to the school because u were "homeschooled all your life" but u were actually abducted (ur parents r dead) and the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D had saved you and u live in the Avengers tower



You walk to your next class. Health.

The class everyone dreaded. Well except for those weird kids.

You sat down next to your friend, Hallie. Hallie also had a secret, she had telepathy and telekinesis, but you both just kept your secrets between each other or else something bad might happen.

Ready for the most uncomfortable class ever?

Yeah, huh, sure am.

Oooh, lookie! Here comes Peter!

Your head immediately darts up as Peter walks in. He takes a seat behind you, Ned following behind.

Aww he sat in that special spot for you!

Shut up, no he didn't!

You blush remembering the time you had caught Peter touching your hair and turn to jelly thinking about it. You knew Peter had feelings for you through Hallie, and you had started to feel the same way in the past few weeks.

Yeah, I know right?

You look to Hallie, trying to hide her giggles. "Alright class" says the nurse walking in.

Her boobs are huge!

You try your hardest to stifle your giggles by biting your cheeks.

The nurse did indeed have big breasts, especially for a short person.

"Today we will talk about caring and nurturing for babies" (i literally have no idea what u talk about in american health classes)

David fakes baby noises and the class laughs. You Inhale. The thing is, that really triggered you.

Just ignore it, it's okay.

I can't. I can't get it out of my head.

"When caring for a baby, a mother must-" The nurse continues.

She talks about essential nutrients, and what to feed he/she and what you should stay away from when you are pregnant.

"Now, we are going to watch a video about washing and caring for a young infant. Any questions?" The Nurse says, the projector lighting up and displaying a baby's soft face.

You feel a sudden pain in your chest and you feel a lump in your throat.

Breathe, Y/N, breathe.

It' cute....

She plays the video and it goes on.

The baby starts crying, and a mother's arms wrap around it's delicate body and pick it up. She caresses it in her arms, the wails softening to her voice and touch.

It then cuts to a baby in a sink, a hand gently washing it. It then talks about mild soaps, and how to wash a baby.

Then the baby is on a bed. The mother starts dressing it in a lilac dress with a white and pastel yellow headband.

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