~Crush | Deadpool

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Word count: 410

You and Deadpool sat in the abandoned warehouse, which you both had transformed into your kind of den.

"So how was school" he asks.

"Eh, it's alright" you say, grabbing a can of Coke from the fridge and went to sit down with him on the old leather couch.

"Alright? Did you make friends? Did your hormones start racing?"

You almost choke on the fizzy liquid going down your throat. "Hormones?"

"Yah know, did you see a cute human?"

You shake your head. "Are you talking about..."

"A boy Y/N, a boy! Did you see someone that you wanted to f*ck?" He says, throwing his hands in the air.

"Oh, uh..no" you mumble, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh really? Cause i know the perfect way to spit that shit out" he says. He tickles you and you squeak out loud.

"Tell me and I'll stop!" He yells over the top of your tremendous laughing.

"Ok ok his name's Peter Parker" you breathe out and he stops. "I caught him staring at me on the bus"

"Staring at your ass"

"No he wasn't! He was staring at my face" You say blushing lightly. What if Peter was actually checking you out?

"Staring at how good your lips would be on-" "Wade!!"

He bursts into peals of laughter, while you cross your arms and glare at him.

"Seriously! I don't think Peter would be the type of person to think that. He's not a jock, he's just a science nerd who plays with Lego and only has one friend and gets teased alot. Especially by Flash and his friends. They're a bunch of dicks"

"I f*cking hate jocks. So he hot or what?"

"Well, i don't know, but he's definitely cute. Like handsome-cute and puppy-cute together"

"Ah okay. One friend? Well that's lame, but it reminds me of us"

"I heard he's in the Stark Internship"

"What the hell-Stark as in Iron Man?"

"Yep. He's really smart, which i love about him. He was staring at me in Maths class today" you start playing with your hair, your girly side coming out.

Wade fake gags and you punch him in the shoulder.

"Well, if you like him, then go ahead and like him. I'm glad it's not one of those motherf*ckers that brag about how big their pee-pee's are"

You giggle. It was good to have a best friend like Deadpool.

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