New Girl | Peter

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Word count: 732

"So, this is the science classroom!" Exclaims Vice Principal Victoria (anyone get the reference?) As she escorts you around the lab benches.

"Mm..interesting" you mumble.

"Normally you would have your blah blah blab blubber-" yeah ok, we get it, now can we please just move on?

Your boredom was interrupted by the ringing of the school bell. Lunchtime. Soon enough students will start pouring out of their classrooms ready to make their way to the cafeteria where they can eat, chat and mess around. Finally, I'm starving.

"And, that'll be the lunch bell! Ok miss, follow me and we can go to the cafeteria together, yes?" Says the VP.

"Yeah yeah, okay" you sigh.


You were greeted to the loud chattering of many different voices and yells as the doors were opened. It was very different to when it was just you and VP Vicky entering empty classrooms.

Almost every eye turned to stare at you (a/n: the reader is really pretty in this imagine) as you walked to the serving area. The lady puts the food on your plate and you gulp, you could sense that everyone was watching your every move. Walking out of line you came face to face with eyes and froze. Oh no. Where do I sit? 

You walk past the tables, groups of girls giving you hopeful looks and guys giving you flirty ones. And then you spotted a quite very vacant table in the corner, where two boys were seated, gazing at you in awe. Your eyes met a pair of dark brown ones and he quickly looks away, breaking the connection.

You walk over to them, hearing a couple of sighs and "I told you's" around.

"Hi, do you guys mind if I sit here?" You ask politely, your voice going a little higher and sweeter (lol this happens to me all the time)

"Yeah, sure!" Says the Asian one. (Sorry if that sounds weird and stuff I didn't want to call him fat)

You sit down opposite them and quietly nibble your hotdog and listen  in on their conversation.

"So, uh, as I was saying..."
"My mum can pick me and you up and then we'll go to my house and build the DeathStar!"
"Uh yeah, that"
"You alright Peter? Cause you seem a bit down, or distracted?"

You look up and wished you hadn't.
The boys were looking at you and you looked away immediately, the awkward tension rising in the air.

"Oh, uh, yeah um" 'Peter' starts.

"I-i can leave if you want" you start before the other boy perks up.

"O-Oh no uh it's fine. So are you new here?" He stammers, trying to keep his cool.

"Uh yes, I moved here a few days ago.  I'm Y/N"

"Yeah, I'm Ned and this is Peter" Ned says, elbowing his friend.

"Well hey" you softly say. Peter gulps and blushes making you blush too.

The three of you ate your lunch awkwardly before class started. You gave a few 'hellos' and 'heys' but didn't really start up any conversation. It was the end of the school day and you were at your locker. There was the loud thudding of footsteps down the hall.

"Hey, uh, Y/N!"

You turn to see Ned, Peter following behind.

"Um, yeah?"

"I see we didn't talk that much during class. I could say something was preventing us" says Ned, looking over to Peter.

"Oh, no it's fine. It's pretty awkward on your first day" you reply, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"Do you wanna hang out with me and Peter this afternoon at my house? Were gonna rebuild the Lego Death Star, isn't that right, Pete?" Ned hisses Peter's name and he looks down.

"Um, ha, yeah"

"Lego Death Star? I love Lego! Yeah sure, can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah that will be great!" Ned squeals, glancing at Peter.

"Great, yeah so wanna catch, the, um, train...with us?" Peter stammers.

God he's so cute.

"Yeah, um, sure" you say.

And after that awkward conversation the three friends walked home to Ned's house, Y/N happy to find someone to count on on the first day.

I cringed at the ending so effing bad. I literally have no idea how to end stories dhjsjavshw
Yeah this was bad.

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