The Other Girl | Peter

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A/N: writing this on my new laptop so it's a very different experience for me, there might be a few typos and spelling mistakes, k? I've always written my stories on my tablet. just thught of this in the shower ok? idk how to change it like bold and italics. It's also to improve my typing skills xD

Word count: 1029

"Did Liz get a new top?" mumbles Peter. The two of your best friends had been talking about the girl all throughout the morning to lunch. It really bothered you because you liked Peter, but it was pretty obvious who he was crushing on. 

"No, you've seen that before. Never with that skirt" sighs Ned as you ate your lunch in annoyance.

"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy though"

"Too late" says a voice. The three of you look over. "You guys are losers. Not you, Y/N, you're pretty cool" says Michelle. Michelle was pretty nice, and was probably the only female that was kind to you.

"Then...why do you sit with us?" questions Ned. Michelle shrugs and continues to read the book in front of her. "Cause I don't have any friends" she mumbles. 

Peter gives her a questioning look before staring at Liz again. Ugh, you just wanted him to look at you in the way he gazed at her. Liz was beautiful, smart and nice. Peter only had eyes for her. 


It was the end of the day and you were getting your stuff out your locker. You had to finish the last questions in your History booklet for homework, and you were not looking forward to it. 

You started walking to Peter's locker just to say goodbye when you stopped dead in your tracks. 

Just there, you saw Peter facing his back to you, Liz talking in front of him. You gasped slightly and backed around the corner, eavesdropping on their conversation. 

"Well, I-I sorta like you" stutters Peter. You feel your heart start to break.

"I know" she says. You could tell he was nervous.

"Y-You do?" he says, looking up. "You're terrible at keeping secrets" she smiles. "Yeah, uh, you'd be surprised" he stammers.

There was a moment of silence between them before the Action broke you completely.

Liz leaned forward, kissing Peter on the lips. You just wished so badly that it was you, pecking those warm pink lips of his, the sensation of him wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. 

Suddenly there was a loud thud as your phone slid out your hoodie pocket and made contact with the floor. Liz and Peter stopped kissing and looked towards the sound, making direct contact with you as you retrieved your phone. "Y/N?" asks Peter but you were too shocked to say anything. You ran out of school, all the way home. Your legs were tired and exhausted and you couldn't even bother doing homework.

You flopped down on your bed, crying yourself to sleep. 

You woke up to the sound of rustling paper and slowly sat up. You looked around but no-one was in your room. "Hello?" you called out. You saw your History booklet open on your study desk. You made your way to your desk, to see that the remainder of your unfinished questions had been answered.

"Mom?" you called out at the bedroom doorway. Why would your parents even do your homework?

You looked back through your papers and noticed something. In slightly messy handwriting, you could've swear you've seen it before, was written, "Meet me on the roof".

You felt a cool breeze of wind on your back and turned around to see your window had been opened. 

Who's waiting for me? My Prince Charming? Or some creepy stalker who's probably gonna kidnap me or throw me off the edge? Not cool!

Curious, you climbed out with caution all the way to the top.

A figure in a tight fitting red suit stood standing, admiring the sunset. 

"Um...hello?" you call. The figure turns around. "Spider-Man? What are you doing here?" 

"oh, uh" he starts with a thick accent. "I saw you crying and wanted to know...uh..what's wrong. Oh, and I also did your homework. Don't thank me" 

"Oh, well, I'm pretty sure you've got other stuff to do then talk to me" you snorted, knowing that the web-slinging hero actually didn't have time for th-

"I have time for this" he says, sitting down on the ledge and gesturing you to come sit over. Ok, maybe he did. You sat down a good distance away from him, cause you had no clue who he even was.

"So, what's wrong?" he asks.

"Well, t-this boy...I like him. He's my friend and I've liked him for a long time. He's smart, cute, kind and responsible. But..I think he has feelings for some other girl. So I guess I should just get over it" you mutter quickly. The wind blows against you and you shiver.

"So..if he asked you out, you would say yes?"

"O-of course! I mean, if he loves me back, I guess. But I saw him kissing Liz. He'll never be with me. He wants a pretty popular girlfriend. And that's not me" you whisper, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

"You know, you should really go. You don't need to worry about me" you sniffle, wiping your tears away with the cuff of your jacket. "I'll be fine. Maybe I should stay my distance away from him. I saw Liz posted something saying the two were going out. So yeah, it's...uh...fine"

Spiderman sits still for a moment before swinging away without a word, making you even more hurt.

The boy you loved was loving someone else, and it just broke your heart thinking about it.

Ugh the feels :(
Will make a part 2! Maybe
And the X-men imagine is coming soon I did my research today on female mutants and I'm highly interested in ShadowCat :D

Also go check out what1am1doing and violaeades and  emskizle_monkey 's imagines they are soo good!!

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