Hands to Myself | Tom

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Inspired by Selena' song Hands to Myself
Word count: 747

You walk around the apartment, feeling the smooth feel of the leather sofas and the polished marble countertops.

It was wonderful in your boyfriend's new apartment, modern and new, but it still had a homey feel to it.

Tom was out with his friends and you trusted him, since you saw Haz pick Tom up at your front door.

You walked into your bedroom, which you and Tom shared. You stepped inside the master closet and run your hand through all his shirts. His scent lingered in the room and you knew that you had to do it.

You strip yourself of your shirt and shorts, leaving you in just your bra and undies.

You take out one of his white shirts and slip it on. You look in the mirror, looking at all your flaws and imperfections, then remembering that you were beautiful and that's why Tom loved you.

You walk back into the bedroom, going to the vanity, taking one of his perfumes. You spray it all over yourself, making it feel like he was in the room with you.

You flop onto the bed and start roaming your hands on your body. You smoothed your hand over the sheets as you grabbed one of the pillows and hugged it on top of you, like it was Tom. You thought of the intimate moments and nights you spent together and smirked.

"Tom..." you whisper/moaned, making you feel even more confident to explore the complex and mess around with his stuff.

You go downstairs into the living room, eyes immediately darting to the stack of magazines on the coffee table.
You flip through them and gaze at all the pictures of Tom. You grab the kitchen scissors and start cutting them out, collecting them in a big pile, which you then took to your room and put in your underwear drawer.

"Good" you mumble before going round to his bedside table. You rummage through the drawer, finding a laptop charger, a book, glasses, a condom, a Spider-Man Homecoming poster, a pen, permanent marker, and some audition files.

You then go over to the bathroom, stripping naked then tying your hair in a messy bun. You run the water, pouring bubble bath into the tub.

When the water is finally warm, you slip in, feeling alot more relaxed then you already were.

You jump when the bathroom door swings open. "Haha, babe, I was wondering where you were!" Says Tom, standing at the door.

"Woah Honey, that was quicker than I expected!" You say as he starts pulling off his shirt. You can't help but gawk at his abs, even though you had seen them a thousand times.

"Eh, I left early since I knew how lonely you'd be without me. Is that my shirt?" He says, pointing to the piece of fabric on the tiles.

"Heh, yeah. I wanted to wear it since it smells like you"

"Well now you can smell me all you want" he says before pulling his boxers down and hopping into the bath behind you.

Your bare back touches his chest and you feel him breathe against you. He runs his soapy hands up and down your arms, kissing the back of your neck.

"Love, you smell like the Chanel perfume i bought. What have you been doing this whole time?" He asks.

"Nothiiiinnngg" you reply, patting his legs.

The two of you wash each other before stepping out and changing. Tom puts on a t-shirt and sweats while you just wear his over sized sweater and undies.

"Wanna eat ice-cream and watch a movie?" He says, carrying you to the living room. "Of course babe" you answer while he walks over to the fridge to prepare the ice-cream.

You switch on the T.V, looking through Netflix.

Tom comes back with the ice-cream and you have a Dwayne Johnson movie marathon, just the two of you cuddled up on the sofa.

And halfway through a movie, you fall asleep, and Tom carries you to the bedroom where he lays you in his arms and quietly sings a song to you before falling asleep too.


Like I said i am hoenstly SO BAD at making titles the title doesn't really relate to this at all :/

But yes omgggg i want to eat ice-cream and cuddle with Tom while we watch Dwayne Johnson movies that would be awesome ;-;

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